Spirit reaper



I just thought I'd post this. Spirit reaper does not go to the grave If it is targeted by a change of heart while spirit reaper is f/d. 

The reason I posted this is because, others never believe me.  It's true though.
Because [Spirit Reaper] is face down when targetted, its effect is not active and this is NOT destroyed by the targetting of [Change of Heart]

Hope that helps. =)
It's safe to say that, until RDS comes out.

Gunner Dragon, if set without Tribute, will be a 1400/1000 monster when flipped face-up. Even though its base attack is 2800.
The effect of "Gunner Dragon" does not allows you SET it by his effect, you can only normal summon it by his effect, so if you turn it face down his effect will reset.
The effect of "Gunner Dragon" does not allows you SET it by his effect, you can only normal summon it by his effect, so if you turn it face down his effect will reset.

Edo SORT of mistranslated it. The Japanese card says "Normal Summon" which in Japan meant both Summon and Set.

Because I was a worrying idiot, I emailed Kevin Tewart about it:

My email
I'm more concerned about the next set's "Gunner Dragon", which states that
you can Normal Summon it without tribute by cutting its ATK and DEF in half.
The Japan FAQ on yugioh-card.com says that it CAN be set, apparently because
it states "Normal Summon" instead of just "Summon". I dunno. Maybe there's
nothing to worry about.
"Gunner Dragon" will say Normal Summon or Set, don't worry.