Star Trek X

Digital Jedi

Staff member

Well, so far three cast members have officially been cast for the new Star Trek film, which is a prequel to the original series. They are as follows:​


Zachery Quintos (AKA Sylar from NBC's Heroes) will be playing the enigmatic Mr. Spock.​


Anton Yelchin will don the role of Pavel Checkov​


And the lovely Zoë Saldana (who had a minor role in the first Prates of the Caribbean film) will play the equally lovely Nubian, Lt. Uhura.​

So, any speculation/expectation on who Kirk will be?​
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Nope. And for the record, I dislike prequels, and this film is just not going to match up to the others. We saw how Enterprise fared in the popularity polls.

I like the technology part of the Star Trek Universe, so the later series were better (Next Gen, Voyager in particular). This film will most likely be about the character development.

I'm not anticipating this film. I probably will see it at some point, but just for something to do. They should have made another Borg film instead (with First Contact and possibly The Motion Picture being the other films). Set it after Voyager, with the Borg struggling to rebuild their vast Collective. Wars between Borg sections, even alliances with other species, that kind of thing.

Yeah, I like the Borg. :D
It should be noted that this movie is written by the same writing team that wrote the Transformers movie. I had my doubts about Transformers as well, until I read their creative process at I am, as I was about Transformers, hopefully optimistic.

It's true that Enterprise didn't fair well. But storywise, Enterprise had some outstanding, and crucial, plot developments. I'd settle for a good box office bomb, then a mediocre hit any day. Of course, I'm sure that's not the mentality of Paramount. :D
I think that the Enterprise series was the final nail in the coffin as far as the series goes, i also that maruno is right in the way of the film comparing to the other films!!!
I wouldn't say it's the nail in the coffin, since the Star Trek franchise in of itself is still going very strong. As the producers once said, there will always be a Star Trek series in some capacity, they're just waiting to give a new series some time. Enterprise wasn't really bad. It just had low ratings. Which is a big difference from being a bad series.

With the movie, now you've got two top writers putting it together, and you've got great anticipation brewing in the Star Trek circuit. And we're not talking about prequel on the scale of Enterprise, which introduced us to new characters. This will be the classic crew on a new adventure, which is what the fans have been clamoring for since the cancellation of Star Trek: Phase II before it ever aired (They instead decided to make it a movie: Star Trek: The Motion Picture). The only difference, is that it will have different actors. And that's something that already been proven to be effective and acceptable to fans with the success of the Star Trek: New Voyages video series.
I figured I'd add in the rest of the confirmed cast for Star Trek XI.


Despite the Internet rumors that said Matt Damon would play the role of the legendary captain, J.J. Abrams said that Damon was simply too old for the role. Instead the Kirk will be helmed by the lesser known Chris Pine of The Princess Diarys 2: Royal Engagement. Damon has reportedly said if Abrams ever plans on portraying Kirk older then Pine in future movies, he'd be happy to take on the roll.


You've seen Karl Urban play everything from a brash, defiant Éomer in Lord of the Rings, to a suave, sophisticated Julius Caesar's in Xena: Warrior Princess. The good ol' country doctor shouldn't be too much of a chore for him to pull off.


Aye! That ye ar' laddy. Dinae you 'ear that James Doohan 'ad the worst Scottish accent ya ever did set your ears ta? Or so real Scottish people tell me. Simon Pegg is a Brit, but it remains to be seen if he'll stay true to character, or stay true to a real Scottish brogue. I for one don't think I'd mind hearing the bad version for nostalgia's sake. You might remember Pegg from the cult classic Shaun of the Dead.


Hikara Sulu will be played John Cho, known for his role in the American Pie films. They came this close to casting James Kyson Lee (Ando from Heroes), but with Quintos (Sylar) already playing Spock, NBC didn't want to loose two actors from the hit series for three months.


Good old (and healthy) Captain Chris Pike will be played by none other then Bruce Greenwood. You know Bruce from a lot of different films and television shows. Most recently and notably he played the President of the United States in National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets. But a long time ago I remember him as the star of the ground breaking (and incomplete) television series Nowhere Man.


Probably not real well know in American circles, but did have a memorable role in 1981's Chariots of Fire, Benn Cross is the British actor tapped to play Spock's estranged father, Sarek. Seems the obvious choice going by these pictures alone. We'll see if he can match that strange mix of stoicism and charm evoked by the late Marc Lenard.


Lovely Amanda Grayson, Spock's very human mother will be played by the infamous Winona Ryder, obviously, at a much earlier time in her life then we saw on the original series. The role was originally played by Jane Wyatt, best know as the endearing mother on Father Knows Best.


We'll be seeing a lot of characters as they were when they were young children, including Kirk and Spock. In this case, we'll be a seeing a character for the first time when he was still alive. Spencer Daniels will play a very spry and alive older brother of Kirk. George Samuel "Sam" Kirk, Jr. to be exact. Originally portrayed by a very still and very mustached William Shatner.