Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Review

Digital Jedi

Staff member
[ame=""]GameSpot Video: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Video Review 1[/ame]
can't wait till friday launch day (u.k) going it for the wii which has an exclusive multiplayer according official nintendo magazine.
and what is a dark jedi i always thought the dark side of the force had the sith not dark jedi's has this man not watched the films and if not has he not heard of researching a subject before you review it.
I'm not a huge star wars a fan i just believe that people should get there facts right.
Sith is the ancient discipline devoted to studying the Dark Side. A Dark Jedi is a Jedi who's given in to the Dark Side, but he/she is not necessarily a student of the Sith Arts.

For example, Asajj Ventress was a Dark Jedi who thought of herself as a Sith. But when she met a real Sith Lord, Count Dooku, she got her bald booty handed to her:

oops my bad.
but i remember that episode i used to own the entire series but i watched them to much and they eventualy stopped working.
I've been meaning to pick up the series myself. I still haven't watched the entire series yet. And I think I missed out on watching the new movie, the economy being what it is.

But yeah, I believe I posted an early review of this game a while back. This would be the one with the three different physics engines running the environment. I'm really looking forward to this, but I need to get a durn system first.
I take it the cons he listed in the review aren't as bad as he suggests? (Usually the case) I've yet to experience any slowdown in a console game.