Status of Dark World/how rare

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The Kozaky show
The Dark World cards are going to be played A LOT with the rarity of them... jeezz... I looked it up in RONIN, and I'll give you the list of Dark World cards:
Zure, Knight of Dark World Common
Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World Common
Broww, Huntsman of Dark World Rare
Brron, Mad King of Dark World Rare
Sillva, Warlord of Dark World Rare
Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World Super Rare
Scarr, Scout of Dark World Common
Dark World Lightning Common
Gateway to Dark World Common
The Forces of Darkness Common
Dark Deal Common

The total: 7 of them are common, 3 are just Rare, and just 1 is above Normal Rare (Goldd is Super Rare).

I think you know now what I mean with my statement. This is going to be worse then the Chaos-fiasco. At last CED was Secret Rare and BLS-EOTB was Ultra Rare, so people had really to search boosters for them. However... just 8 boosters or so, and with a bit luck you can start a strong Dark World-Deck.

Can you say (if you want to) or you agree/disagree with my statement, and why?


EDIT: Wrong link to Dark Deal lol. Fixed it
I have to disagree with you i really doubt dark world will be played a lot. It has the ability to become a tier 1 deck but it will take someone truly skilled to sit down and make it work. I think people will just stuck with toolbox and maybe play this every once in a while for fun but not for their competitive deck.
The deck will be tier 1. Any competive player is testing it now. After a few weeks of testing they will find the flaws in the deck and fix them the best they know how. The player who has the better fixes will be the player on top.( If they know how to play them). The top tier decks will have to take this into account when they become legal. You will most likely see Don Zaloog cut from decks. There may be some players that play counter traps for cards like Card Destruction and Morphing Jar.
I agree that this will be played a lot and will probably wind up at Tier 1, or at the very least Tier 2, but I consider it a good thing that, for once, it won't cost an arm and a leg to play a Top Tier deck.

That's the main reason I can see it getting so much play, just look at the alternative current Tier 1 deck: 3x Cyber Dragon, 3x DD Assailant etc. That's gonna cost you $100+ to build, as opposed to Dark Realms, which would only cost you a fraction of the price...

I actually would have had less of a problem with chaos if the Envoys had been common or normal rare and widely available to everyone (although broken is still broken and they both would have still deserved banning...)

I'm actually glad that UDE and Konami has been giving us cheap alternitives, just because this game shouldn't be about who has $300 to blow on a set of D. D. Warriors, but about actual skill...
Word. How was a kid with no job supposed to be competitive before the banning? And yes, they will make tier 1. No, not every competitive duelist will use them (I consider myself quite competitive). To be truthful (don't tell) I was testing these in my deck more than 6 months ago. I will not disclose how. But trust me, they aren't broken. As I said, powerful, but not broken. They will not redefine the game, only Shift its focus a little.

The Dark World monsters are relatively much easier to obtain than the broken Chaos monsters were, no doubt, but in this current format, the Dark World are by no means broken. It takes a good amount of skill to construct a deck that focuses on synergy and combos and have it perform well in a tournament environment.

Striking the right balance is crucial, because you never want to be stuck with 3 Golds in your hand and not draw any of your discard cards. This decktype offers a good amount of originality and creativity when it comes to its construction. There is no set "CC" Dark World deck, even though there is a general backbone.

Furthermore, it takes a good amount of skill to actually play the deck so that it can hold its own. You never want to swarm the field and become victim to a Dark Hole or Vortex.

As for being Tier 1, perhaps, but they were much better BEFORE the October bans. Back then, they were just downright brutal.
It takes a good amount of skill to construct a deck that focuses on synergy and combos and have it perform well in a tournament environment.
And there you go. That's what I was trying to say, but couldn't. Chaos beasties relied on lights and darks, which are the top two attributes in YGO. These monsters rely on something that is less common: discarding for an EFFECT. It takes a deck built around these things to be competitive, they aren't splashable.

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