Strike Ninja deck needing some help

Well, with my Strike Ninja decks, i always like to mainboard 2-3 Kuribohs.

Yes. Most people think thats the worst card ever. But i see it as an unusal tech. :) Perferably a "Syndicate Tech" at most. ;) (Syndicate = My team...)

But yeah. You have an open field. They attack, discard a Kuriboh to the graveyard. its a 1-1. Although you lack in hand advantage, you will get 1 dark in the graveyard. This helps to save those set Sakuretsu Armor(s) / Widespread Ruin(s) for something more nasty :D.

I would think that PoA might or might not work, as most of your DARK monsters will be removed through that of Strike Ninja. I mean, for sure not all of your monsters will be removed. But i would think about PoA, and how it fits your playstyle. If it has worked for you, then great, keep it in! If it hasnt, perhaps find something more useful ;)

Maybe drop the pair of Kycoo(s) like RobinR recommended, i dont see how they would be that effective, move em to the sidedeck. Now you have room to main board the Kuribohs :D

Well this is just some advice. Do with it what you will. Test, practice, and see what fits your style.

-Neil Karunatilaka
i cut the kycoos from the deck. as you predicted chawla, i had a kycoo snatch'd in a game and was smacked with my own monster
:( i tested out the trains and the Kuribohs and i loved both. Kuriboh totally throws your opponent off guard. i like it especially cause don control is still popular in my area. as for PoA, i know its a risky move, but for some odd reason, it still works. my local meta uses sorcerers AND pots in doubles in their decks and they have been winning tourneys with them. if i run into any problems, i will take it out for another smashing.
From looking at your deck I feel Pot of Avarice is a must. Sure removing cards from play will limit its playability, but Strike Ninja does his best work late game, and if you pace yourself right, you'll be fine with it, in fact you'll gain major advantage from it.

If Don control is as big as you're claiming, try Trap Hole over bottomless. I love Trap Hole, and it gets Tomato and Don.