Team attack and Picking one of the team attackers to counter attack ...


New Member
ok i guess this is just game mechanics but i'm not so sure ... so here it is ...
player a: doc ock(drop 4, 7atk, 7def) and Hammerhead (drop 2, 3atk, 2def) both ready
player b: spiderman-alien symbiote (drop 5, 9atk, 9def, no counter on him) exhausted

ok so here's the move ...
player a's doc ock and hammerhead team attack spiderman (7+3=10 against 9, Spiderman will get stunned) and pass. player b says attack is legal and pass. Player a pass and player b also pass. Then player B chooses doc ock to counter attack ... and THEN player a chooses to activate crushing blow to avoid doc ock get stunned ... so this is legal?
i still have doubts about timing when choosing the counter attack ... can i get an explanation of this? thx in advance ....
That is not legal. The defender chooses who to put his ATK value against after both players have passed on an empty chain (which is what was demonstrated). After this, there is no point of priority (i.e. no point either player can play cards) until the characters are stunned. If the attacking player wished to prevent Doc Ock from getting stunned, he should have played Crushing Blow after Doc Ock exhausted for the attack.