"The" Batman?

Digital Jedi

Staff member
This really just me venting. Been wanting to do that for quite some time. But really, I just don't get "The Batman" series.

First of all, I realize it has achieved a modicum of success. But why does a series about a younger, "hipper" Batman have to totally ignore the fantastic, quintessential series that preceded it? The fact that the animation is almost identical just seems like an insult to me, more than an homage. Did we really need this series?

For one thing, didn't we already get the younger, "hipper" version of Batman with Batman Beyond? Add to that, we've had six series spawn from the Batman universe created by the Tim/Dini team, at least one of which was still on the air when "The Batman" series started. I've tried, I've really tried to like the series, but at every turn I find myself wishing I was watching new episodes of the Keven Conroy Batman, and not this pointy chinned copycat.

Little things bother me. We all know Batgirl's costume had larger eye holes in her cowl then Bats. But why do the eye holes on this series remain large, and completely white. She has two big pupil-less anime peeps in her skull. It's creepy looking, and not in a cool way.

Apparently, someone thought it would also be a good idea to make the Joker a long jumping Hyena-Monkey, I guess because the homicidal maniac that Mark Hamil perfected wasn't dangerous enough. Poison Ivy just doesn't have any panache to her. She might as well be any generic plant villain, like Marvel's Plant Man. And the Penguin is just blah. Without Paul Williams doing his voice, (a guy who actually kinda looks like the Penguin) it just falls flat. This guy just doesn't have the flair.

And what's with trading the voices of the old series with different characters in the new? I'm sorry, but Two-Face's voice does NOT sound right coming out of Killer Croc (who apparently didn't look enough like a crocodile for the new series, so they gave him a tail). There's a few more characters who have voices from the old series, just in different characters.

I'm usually very, very forgiving of animated series. But Batman, and the toons that spawned from it were works of art. They showed Americans what cartoons should look, feel and sound like. To this day, they stand out as the best animated series we've ever produced. So why in the Sam Hill would we chuck the entire thing an come up with something that only cursory emulates the previous? Even a "good" episode of The Batman is simply a reworking of something we already saw in the original series, with parts in the wrong places. They we're supposed to elevate the medium with a new series, not set it back.

Yes, this just a rant. But it's about about time someone said something. This can't go on. VIVA LA REVALUCIO----er, I mean, call your congressmen. =/
Mark Hamill voiced the Joker? I didn't know that.

As a more direct response, I've totally given up on all those KidsWB (or whatever it's called now on CW) toons. A couple years ago you had a number of good ones that adults could sit through, and perhaps even enjoy, but the whole Saturday AM set has gone to pot. Including "The Batman".

I completely agree with you, from an adult's perspective. That said, perhaps the perspective of children is different than ours. They may like "The Batman" better than it's previous animated incarnation, and let's face it -- that block of shows ain't designed for us dude :crying

I used to get a kick out of Xaolin Showdown, but that jumped the shark last season for me. Even Teen Titans (and that version of Robin) was watchable and mildly entertaining, but alas us broadcast TV folks can't even see that anymore ....

edit: To make it worse in the Baltimore Metro, they've rearranged the toons so they end earlier and can show more infomercials. I hate when they do that crap. Our ABC station does that too with the Disney stuff (more garbage), which ticks my wife off to an extreme.
Always good to see someone else use "jump the shark" as I thought the phrase maybe had jumped the shark. Anyway, as I grew up reading both Marvel and DC comics and had to suffer through the release of the Batman movies I never understood people's love affair with this character. Talk about a character only an author could love as there is no logical reason he should still be alive in any universe. After that Batman Begins deal, of all the characters to do a story on, all we need is another Batman story, almost as bad as Rocky VII, Adrian's Revenge.