The duelist on the street article #2

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i am cao pi

you gotta duel on
the power of focus. the duelist on the street article #2

Hello again and welcome to another unofficial article[hhhmmmm mabye if do well on these articles mabye I'll become an official Netrepâ„¢ writer(hey I can dream can't I)]. Anyway I'm apposed to do an article right. Alright in the last article I gave you tips to survive the pitfalls that most new players fall in to[yeah and I didn't even use the term 'n00b'] and in this article I'm gonna teach you how to make your deck more focused[make the deck center around a main combo/monster type/attribute/family of monsters/etc.].Now don't get me wrong a deck with no focus can be fun and ok for dueling you friends for fun, but if you want to get competitive you got to get some focus. Now I'm gonna use an example for this article[and all articles like it afterwards.]. For this example I'm going to help you build a beatdown deck[It doesn't requires advanced game knowledge to play effectively].Now you should have a small base of cards[mostly normal monsters and some basic magic and trap cards (side note: magic and spell cards are the same thing)] so you first you should find at least 15-20 monsters with 1800 atk[level 4 or lower(doubtful there is any monsters with 1800 atk that are lower than level 4 heck the strongest atk of a level 3-1 is either Mad Lobster or Sonic Duck,and they have 1700 atk points)], now there are some exceptions to this rule monsters that have effects that can really debilatate you[an example of a card like this would be Flash Assailant,Jirai Gumo(unless you don't plan to attack with him),Panther Warrior and unfriendly amazon],and again there's an exception to this rule too,any monster that just makes it go to def mode after it attacks is ok.Now you're probably wondering why I said to have 15-20 monsters, well a good player uses a ratio, a ratio is the amount of monsters,magic,and traps you use in a deck.I usually use 20 monsters,10 magic cards,and 10 traps, now usually I cut some traps to put some extra magic cards in. Alright now for the magic and traps. Most decks have some some/a magic card that is very crucial to there strategy, now the beatdown deck has some room for magic cards except the staples[cards that almost every deck has to have],usually a beatdown deck will have some form of power up for there monsters or monster destruction[Fissure,Smashing Ground,Hammer Shot].Traps you can probably use the cards that you usually use in every deck, as usual except if it is crucial to the theme of the deck.Now if you bought one of the new structure decks they are pretty good for being starter decks[hey us old guys had to use the crappy starter deck joey/yugi/kaiba/pegasus/yugi evo/kaiba evo and we liked it] they have a pretty good base for any basic strategy you would like to play[not to mention you should just get one to get the staples out of them].Now I'm gonna give you the monster line up to a basic beatdown deck.

1-2 Goblin Attack Force[they come in the warrior's triumph structure deck]

2-3 Insect Knight,Archfiend Soldier,Mad Dog of Darkness,Gemini Elf,Toon Gemini Elf,Toon Goblin Attack Force[they will be your shock troops of the deck.]

Cyber Jar[this little baby will give you a great advantage]

And once again I leave you with some tips for building a theme deck.

1.Try to find the weakness in the deck and fix it.

2. Don't be afraid to expirament.

3.ask someone that is more skilled than you to help you.[hey anyone here would probably be pleasured to help you with you deck, me especially]

4. make a decklist[list of cards in a deck and in what quantity],this will help you make changes and be an easy reference when you try to rebuild the deck after you gain some more skill.
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