The most broken deck ever.

drop the 2 upstarts for starters. now to fill in space put in 3 toon tables and a toon canon soldier because that makes it even easier to get the combo because with 1 ttoc, and 2 Last Wills you have jee jee(gg). next put in Painful Choice because when some times when you relly need to hit something with Monster Gate you don't want the other things getting in the way. also add in 3 speel reproductions because that lets you use the same Last Will 2 times and that plus tcs is game. another thing to add is DMOC because he is a good monster to Monster Gate into so you an bring back the crucial spells and he also adds something else fopr your opp. to fear when you play Reasoning.

so heres a recap
- 2 upstarts

+ Painful Choice
+ 3 Toon Table of Contents
+ 3 spell reprouction
+ Toon Cannon Soldier
+ Dark Magician of Chaos

now your only 3 cards short if you give me a second i will find my scoentist deck and have more for you.