The New Teen Titans


New Member
First off, I don't net-deck. This deck was designed through my own playtesting, even though it shares some cards just used by Jones at PC LA in his build. Second, I chose to go a different direction than the normal Dove-Hawk combo, as Doom is heavy in my area and just as soon as I bring those two out do they get Reign of Terror'd and screw my early game. So, without further adieu:

Characters: 31
4x Roy Harper <> Speedy, Mercurial Marksmen
4x Wally West <> Kid Flash, Fastest Teenager Alive
4x Tim Drake <> Robin, Young Detective
4x Beast Boy, Garfield Logan
3x Roy Harper <> Arsenal, Sharpshooter
4x Terra, Tara Markov
2x Red Star, Leonid Kovar
4x Garth <> Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer
2x Donna Troy <> Troia, Child of Myth

Plot Twists: 18
4x Teen Titans Go!
3x Heroic Sacrifice
3x New Teen Titans
3x Press the Attack
3x Finishing Move
2x Foiled

Locations: 11
4x Tamaran
2x Optitron
3x USS Argus
2x Titan's Tower
nice. i builst a New Brave deck, which is a B/B sentered around NTT. NE ways, if your going for regular build, it looks good, but i suggest going to focus more on NTT and such. T-jet gives a huge boost and Vic Stone can get you multiple copies.