The pride of your collection ...

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New Member
Yeah, I'm looking for some conversation out here in the collector's area :D

What card(s) are you the most proud of? Not necessarily the ones you worked the hardest to get (I just started a different thread for that), but the one that you would encase in space-age polymer if it wouldn't wreck it :D

Let's see ... as you all know I have a lot of cards, and it's a tough call. I'd have to go with my Japanese LE5 Dark Paladin. It's not really all that rare, but it's a magnificent looking card, and happens to be my favorite monster in all of Yu-Gi-Oh! I also love my Japanese "Red" Dark Magician (see my avatar) and of course my First Edition GEM mint LOB Dark Magician. These are the only three cards I've bought special cases for, so they must be the pride of my collection :D
Wow, that's a tough call.

If I had to pick one deck from my entire collection, in deck included (I don't count my decks as active collection for filing purposes) I'd have to say my Shonen Jump BEWD, I got it when SJ launched in the US.

It's been the lead BEWD in my BEWD deck for a couple of years now.

It's my most prized card and darn near my most prized posession.
I'd have to say my 1st Ed. MRD Barrel Dragon (my first exciting pull as a collector) Sentimental know me, just be big softy <G>
i would have to say a first edition dimension fusion from IOC since i had to win agianst my mate to get it and a win agianst him for me at the time was very rare!!!
Speaking of being a big softy, I keep a couple cards with me in every deck no matter what. I have an Ultimate Brain Control sided always that I won from you, djp952. I have an Ultimate 1/e Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman that I got from a trade with chaosruler, and a 1/e Cyber End Dragon that I pulled during the CRV Sneak Preview that are always in the Fusion Deck.

On a more personal note, my pride and joy might be my Dark Magician of Chaos. I wanted that card from my friend so badly so I could build the DMoC OTK deck and now I pull that deck out for fun all the time.
<laffin> Oh yeah, as mentioned there is that card, no matter what it is, that is the last link you need to make a deck and then you find you can't get a hold of one anywhere! For me it was Ojama Trio for a long time. I'd made a Spatial Collapse deck, had it all put together, then found I only had one Ojama Trio. I tried for about 3 months to find another pair of that card and it seemed NO ONE had any!
I guess my most prized card at the moment is my Inferno Hammer. Did some hunting to find it, the artwork is cool, and his effect is quite fun. Most people don't even know the fiend exists.

Second prize, since its not legal, is my Ultimate Rare Kozaky. A counterfeit for sure, but I merged it into my "judge's lanyard" that I take to competition. It draws plenty of stares, some who never even know the card exists, some who wonder how the heck a common is holo like that 8^D Plus it was a gift from a fellow Monarch.
Well for me I honestly dont know. I dont have that many cool cards cos i just cant afford to get that many. My fave would have to be the BEUD I got from trading here YAY TRADING anyway i couldnt get it anywhere and when i had the chance here i took it and i wouldnt have cared if any other cards arrived in that trade as long as i got that one. Sad i know cos its just a big beatstick and oesnt survive for too long and isnt really useful in a competitive deck due to the amount of dead draws a deck centered around getting him out creates but i love him so there.
EmeraldDragon said:
...My fave would have to be the BEUD I got from trading here YAY TRADING anyway i couldnt get it anywhere and when i had the chance here i took it and i wouldnt have cared if any other cards arrived in that trade as long as i got that one...
You're welcome :D

And thanks for the free advertising for the Battle City Trading (YGO) section. We really do have a great bunch of players here and it's a great way to add to your collection and help others out in the process.
I didnt mention your name cos i didnt want ya getting a swelled head. :p

It really is handy being able to come on and trade for what ya want.
I think my 3 favorite cards are my Slate Warriors. They are a bit dinged up now, but still in pretty good condition. I always almost have them in decks (except right now...they just don't fit at the moment, though I'll have to change that soon...).

The Slates were the first rare game promos that I got, and fit perfectly with my old-school Necrofear Chaos decks back in the day and earlier.

Also my 3x Dark Ruler Ha-Des 1/e are up there....along with my playset of 1/e Horus 8 (x2), 6 (x3), and 4 (x4).


I also have a soft spot for my 1/e European Cannon Soldier, and my Tp1 E Gust Fan.
The pride of my collection is my D.D. Warrior- I had always wanted the card since I played with it in the YGO games-- So when it came out, deepdark had gotten ahold of two of them- It cost me more then I wanted to really part with, but I got it- And I have loved having it-
probably my first edition Chaos Emperor Dragon...i pulled it OUT OF PURE LUCK out of an IOC pack...never trading it...ever...
My favorite card taht I own is Mystical Knight of Jackal. I have tried and tried to get a decent deck that revolves around him. I am also fond of my 1st edition Helpoemer. That was one of the first ultra rares I ever pulled.
Favorite Card in my collection. Hmmm....I'd say I actually have two of them. The first is Chaos Emperor Dragon. Not because of it's rarity, but because of how i came to own it. From Master Collection 2. I expected nothing good in any of the booster packs included, then I opened the invasion of chaos pack. I must of stared in shock for a good 20 minutes. And the second is Majestic Mech - Goryu. Bought a box of Enemy of Justice. Got the regular super-rare version (which happily resides in my G.M.G. Deck) and shortly opened a pack with an ultimate rare version. It's a thing of beauty. :drool_jed
I remember when MFC came out. I just happen to stop by the 7-Eleven at 5:10am, to fill up on gas before heading off the work.
As I was waiting to pay I happen to see 1 pack of MFC on the counter so I bought it, and as luck would have it I pulled a
Dark Paladin.

Ever sense that time, I have always thought of it as my best card and will more than likely never part with it.
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