The Star Wars Quote Game

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Digital Jedi

Staff member
I don't know if this will work here at Cog. There used to be a thread like this on the old Star forums. Of course, there's Star Wars geeks o'plenty at that forum, but we'll give it a shot anyway.

I'm going to quote a line form Star Wars (any movie will do). Then you take a completely unrelated line and post it as a response to that line. Example? I'm glad I pretended you asked:
Kip Duron said:
"No, I am your father."
Exar Kun said:
"I don't know where you get your delusions, laser-brain."
Darth Bodesha said:
"You said you wanted to be here when I made a mistake."
Princess Frank said:
"Well, don't look at me, pal. I just said you were a fair pilot."

Let's make the rules about the same as the Neverending Story thread:
  • Please wait at least two posts before responding again, to prevent post overs
  • Please quote who your responding to
  • Don't quote the next line in the movie. Quote a completely unrelated line as a response. That's the point of the game
  • Other then that, have fun as always

I'll start us off:

"Take Captain Solo to the Cargo Bay."
Ok, sorry to break up the thread, but since it's not doing what it's supposed to do I figured I would try to explain.

This is supposed to be like the Never Ending Story thread.

The lines you quote from Star Wars are supposed to tell a story and they are supposed to go together, but you cannot use the next line from the movie when adding to the story.

Please quote the person you are adding on to.

So far, the only person to continue the story correctly, from what I can tell, is theallmightypoe (unless he quoted the next line from the movie).

Back to your regularly scheduled program....
The lines you quote from Star Wars are supposed to tell a story and they are supposed to go together, but you cannot use the next line from the movie when adding to the story.
I don't know for sure, but maybe the reason we didn't figure that out is this:
Then you take a completely unrelated line and post it as a response to that line.
Considering that DJ himself bolded those words ... Nevermind. I never did like Star Wars anyway.

Yeah, I get it now. But the game may do better if the initial thread had some work done with that "edit" button.
We'll, the fact that it's a response to the previous person's post insinuates it's a story-type thing.

Don't overanalyze this one too much, gang. It's not going to flow like the Neverending Story thread did exactly. And sometimes people are just going to post responses that start a new thought altogether. Some people have a different idea of what the response is. And the humor will be totally subjective. The whole thing is really just an excuse to be geeky and to have fun with it. The rules are just to keep it from becoming a jumbled mess and to keep it from being a line by line quote of the movie in sequence, but not to impose a lot of restriction on you.

Here's the umpteenth billion version of this idea from the Star Wars forums to help give you an idea: Every response is really very fast and loose on interpretation. In other words, don't think it out too hard, just have fun.
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