The Wicked Eraser vs. Destiny Hero - Plasma

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New Member
I'm not sure which one to put in my main deck. They both have their pros and cons, but I'm not sure which one would be more benefitial. Let's take a look: (P.S.: I don't run D-Heroes or any fusion of D-Heroes/anything else.)

The Wicked Eraser

  • Any-time field bomb
  • Slifer-esque ATK/DEF
  • Fiend
  • DARK
  • Requires 3 tributes
  • Not a Special Summon, TRIBUTE SUMMON
  • Slifer-esque ATK/DEF
  • Often a dead card in your hand
Now, let's look at D-Hero Plasma

Destiny Hero - Plasma

  • Special Summon, not Tribute Summon/Set
  • DARK
  • Warrior
  • Skill Drain and Relinquished effects
  • Requires 3 tributes
  • vulnerable to exiled force (but then again, what isn't?)
  • Sometimes a dead card in your hand.
I'm just not sure. Any help?
Destiny Hero - Plasma is far superior I think. Just last weekend there, a player won an Irish tournament here with a Destiny Hero build including Plasma. It's one of the most vicious control cards there is. The moment you get it out onto the field, a large quanity of your opponent's monsters will be rendered useless. That includes monarchs, gadgets, Snipe Hunter, Breaker, Magician of Faith, D.D. Assailant and so on. Use some Solemn Judgments alongside it, and you'll have complete control over the field. Scapegoats as well is probably some of the best support it has going for it. While it is a situational combo, that can be reduced by having draw power and Stratos.

The best way to decide would be just to playtest both really. But personally I will think that Plasma will work better, despite the lack of support I'm assuming you have for it.
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