There isn't a card that best describes you? Create one!


New Member
I guess its similar to the create-a-card in some ways...if its too similar i guess they'll remove this thread.
Now onto the creating!!! Monster, spell, trap, create a card, or any number of cards, that you think describe yourself, no matter how mundane and silly the effect may be! I guess I'll start:

Shadow of Annoyance
Effect Monster/1 Star/Dark/Fiend/0Atk/0Def
This card cannot be destroyed by battle or by the effect of a monster, spell or trap card(s). This card cannot be tributed. if this card is removed from play from the field, special summon this card to your side of the field. You may then point at your opponent, laugh and say "Annoy!Annoy!". If you do, and your opponent wins the current duel your opponent may then do the same.

So try it out, it may be fun!
Ok, I took a stab at this using that website above:
