tomato control 4 tourney

You asked for quick help, so here you go...
-1 Last Will
+1 Reinforcement of the Army
-1 Mystic Tomato
+1 Mobius the Frost Monarch

then you can do this with your side...
-1 Mobius
+1 Des Wombat
-1 Strike Ninja (he really needs to be the focus)
-1 Dark Jeroid
-1 Confiscation
+2 D.D. Survivor
+1 Reinforcement of the Army
-1 Mystic Box
+1 Dust Tornado

I'm not sure about the lone Messenger of Peace. If you really want to take advantage of it, you'd probably need 1 more at least. Maybe a Scapegoat or a Smashing Ground for another.

Good luck today!
Tomato Contol with no Don Zaloog? I hope Dark World is positively rampant in your meta, otherwise, Don is essential.

I think MoP is good at one. Surprising to the opponent, but not as big a deal as would cause them to whip out their mobius and take away your advantage.
Inuyasha_Riku said:
haha Don Zaloogs already in there jasonc...
Wow. That's the second time I've done that in like two weeks. What's stupid is that I actually checked and double checked the list, and could've sworn there was no Don in there.

Maybe this post will be more helpful:

-1 Cannon Soldier

+1 Toon Cannon Soldier

-1 Last Will
-1 Smashing Ground

+2 Toon Table of Contents

That gives it a little more speed, and makes you less likely to be bogged down by Last Wills (if I counted right, you have a VERY small number of tributes).
-1 Smashing Ground
+1 Dark Ruler Ha Des

You could use the firepower.... PLUS... he is bigger than most of the normal tribs out there ... like Jinzo, Mobius, etc. , also, you wont have to worry about those DD's, and searchers running rampant in todays game......

May want to consider Siding a The End of Anubis.... Great tech against the Dark Worlders, searchers, etc ( I think... if Im wrong.. disregard)
Occasus_Tenshi said:
Actually, End of anubis won't stop the worlders, as they don't actually end in the grave :haveaday_
Their effects activate in the grave, don't they? Or am I REALLY mixed up today?
ya i thought that their effect activated when it was discarded to the GRAVE.... Im wrong?? I blame YOU ... its all your fault that I am wrong.. lol...
well the deck got 2nd beat by a Strike Ninja deck...*cough*traditional*cough*..but i was able to get store a 2nd Don Zaloog and a couple of chazz princeton duelist packs...(got a Magical Mallet, grave of enkindling, and xyz and ojama stuff) so it wasnt too bad...i will try out some of those fixes tho...especially the ha des.. that is a pretty good idea..
Absird said:
They actvaite in the grave and The End of Anubis will neagte their effects.

so wait End of Anubis DOES negate the effects of the dark world monsters? in that case i will be side decking him then...ill post the fixed deck tomorrow coz i have to uber finish this essay thats due