Toon World vs Giant Trunade


New Member

A question relating to the impact of Giant Trunade on Toon World and then onwards to the Toon monsters themselves. Say I have one of the old Toons (Toon Summoned Skull) and a new Toon (Toon Gemini Elf) on the field.

I then use Giant Trunade for some reason, removing Toon World. I do understand that my Toons are NOT destroyed since Toon World was simply removed and not destroyed. However, what happens with the attack capabilities?

I can see from the card text that the new Toons can attack normally but since TW is not on the field, they cannot attack directly. However, the text for the old Toons does not say anything about having TW on the field in order to attack. Therefore, I believe that Toon Summoned Skull (and other old Toons) could attack directly if Toon World was not on the field.

Am I correct is this assessment?

I haven't seen any new text for them. So I would say that as long as your opponent didn't control a toon monster then they could attack directly. You still have to pay 500 LP though.