Two Questions


Mexican Diablillo!!
Good day, people.....i have some questions that i would like you to help me solve....

1.- Does crystal beasts "activate" when they are placed in the m/t zone?...or is just the resolution of their effect?

2.- Does DNA Surgery affects in applying the effect of Queen of Thorns?...if my opp. summons a non-plant type monster, if DNA is active, and indicating that all face up monsters should be plant type,Queen of Thorns doesnt inflict direct damage?.

Thats the two questions i have,my friends...any help would be very helpfull.

Best regards from Mexico!!!
1) "Activate" means to start a Chain. The effects of "Crystal Beast" monsters does not start a chain, so it does not "activate". If I remember correctly, the correct term is that the effect is "applied".

First, "Queen of Thorns" does not inflict damage. It adds a cost whenever you Normal/Special Summon.

"DNA Surgery" will have no effect. It changes the monster's Type after the monster is successfully Summoned, which is after you would have to pay because of the effect of "Queen of Thorns".