Tyranno Infinity OTK ?


New Member
I thought that a Tyranno Infinity OTK now possible and much more simpler with Marco Cosmos. This are some cards I thought about that would work in the deck. Could you please help me?

Dinosaur Monsters - I don't know which, but come with your ideas :)
Tyranno Infinity
Magical Merchant - to bring monsters removed from play with

Chaos End
Soul Absorption (?)
Giant Trunade
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Swords of Revealing Light
Graceful Charity
Messenger of Peace

Macro Cosmos
Malfunction / Solemn Judgment - to stop cards that could stop the OTK, cards like Waboku
Torrential Tribute
Gravity Bind

Maybe Megamorph to give that extra boost because there are not really much Dinosaurs.

Magical Mallet ?
Thunder Dragon ? For speed.
Card Destruction to put those monster together with Macro Cosmos removed from play.

Swords of Revealing Light
Gravity Bind
Messenger of Peace

For stall?

EDIT: Moderator krushandkill-I' ve put on card linking, for easy reading.
Isn't Dark Driceratrops (or something like that) a Dino? It would fit extremely well with this idea...it's a 2400 trampler....
why not try hydrogeddon? its a swarming dinosaur, and the obvious gilasaurus (or something like that) for swarming.
hyper hammerhead might be good and defenitly gilasaurus, because your opponent wont have anything in the grave.
Black tyranno maybe?
you could also add graverobbers retribution and cards that suppotr remove from play stuff.
fairy meteor crush and big bang shoot( or something like that) would be wery good with a high atk monster like ti
You should wait until the release of PoD for a good Dinosaur deck. Sould Release Works better than Macro Cosmos here.

Tribute Monsters:

Black Tyranno
Dark Driceraptos
Dark Driceraptos

Non-Tribute Monsters:

Tyranno Infinity
Tyranno Infinity
Hyper Hammerhead
Hyper Hammerhead
Hyper Hammerhead
Magician of Faith
Magician of Faith
Breaker the Magical Warrior
D.D. Warrior Lady
Giant Rat
Giant Rat

Spell Cards:

Soul Release
Soul Release
Soul Release
Giant Trunade
Giant Trunade
Graceful Charity
Smashing Ground
Smashing Ground
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Premature Burial
Snatch Steal

Trap Cards:

Mirror Force
Call of the Haunted
Torrential Tribute
Sakuretsu Armor
Sakuretsu Armor
Dust Tornado