Upstart Goblin MRL-033

Ol' School, my friend ol' school.

Upstart Goblin
Draw 1 card from your deck. Increase your opponent's Life Points by 1000 Life Points.

Not bad, if your willing to look for some speed to quickly pace through your deck. Don't get me wrong, there's a reason why this card was limited to 1, but as of today it is only semi-limited. I know your opponent gains 1000 Life Points, and that's worth alot to your opponent, but what you draw hopefully will be worth it and equal to the 1000 Life Points. I guess Konami created that effect to sort of balance it out, to make sure it isn't too powerful.

With Painful Choice gone, this wouldn't be such as bad idea for a replacement. Think about this review in a different manner... a different point of perspective.

Having 2 Upstart Goblin in your 40 card Main deck, is like having "virtually" having only 38 cards.

This is the reason why drawing cards can be so effective in gameplay.

Pot of Greed = 2
Graceful Charity = 3
Upstart Goblin = 1
Upstart Goblin = 1
First Hand = 6
Virutualism = 13

13 - 40 = 27 Virtual Deck

The main of idea of this card is too immediately activate it. So if you pick up your 5 cards, then draw your 6, and your first hand contains 2 Upstart Goblin, activate em. It's a 1 for 1 deal and plus your thinning out your deck making your first hand a better hand.

Pros: Ever had 1 card in your deck that just seems to be a horrible top deck? When you view your next card, was the one that would pull you victory? Replace the card you draw much too often with Upstart Goblin.

This card isn't too bad, I know some of you have seen some of my reviews, but this card is the one I highly recommend of the most.
exiledforcefreak said:

FYI, they semi-limited it because they wanted A Feather Of The Pheonix to be a viable card to maindeck

Something just went over my head there. Why would semi-limiting Upstart Goblin have anything to do with the play of Feather of The Pheonix?
Not quite sure about the feather thing , but the review about Upstart Goblin is very interesting although if we go deeper in the analysis we see this...

Pot of Greed: 2 card draw, really is 1 card since you trade virtually one for the pot itself
Graceful Charity: draw 3 discard 2, tecnically is draw "2" discard 2 if we follow the system
Upstart Goblin: 1 for 1, and gives the opponent 1000 lp, not much to say here...

Get the idea? They don't "give" you cards faster you just created a smaller deck.
What we have to keep in mind here though is sometimes it isn't important that hand advantage isn't gained or that we're giving our opponent life points.

Sometimes it IS enough that we're cutting the deck size down such as in an Exodia deck.

Other times it's even advantageous to give your opponent life points. By using Upstart Goblin in conjunction Bad Reaction to Simochi it does double duty inflicting effect damage while replacing itself. Other times Upstart Goblin works to the deck stradegy by gaining an opponent life points so that cards such as Self-Destruct Button can be activated.

Still other times a deck needs to cycle through the deck as fast as possible to get at key cards that make life points a mute point such as with a mill deck.

Upstart Goblin certainly has it's usefulness. Not a great many people run the type of decks in which it is most useful though and only see it as a one for one trade off while giving away life points. In the right deck though it equals speed where life points don't matter.
I like Upstart Goblin and all, but... theres one thing that doesnt make sense to me...

Why is it "better" than Jar of Greed? Jar doesnt give your opponent 1000 LP, right? Im assuming its because Jar is a trap card and no one likes trap cards, but lets say this:

Pot of Greed - 2
Graceful Charity - 3
2x Upstart Goblin - 2
3x Jar of Greed - 3
First Hand - 6
Sangan - 1
Total - 17.

back to the equation: 40-17=23.

Just a thought...

This card, however, being a Spell gives you more of an advantage, and the 1000 LP thing is nothing. Trust me, one can burn through 1000 LP real fast. (no pun intended) burn decks may consider using this, since they can probably make up for it anyway, right?


4/5. Interesting concept - Humans groveling to goblins? (How many cards has that goblin been on?? like 7?)
Upstart Golbin is better than of Jar of Greed, just being that:

1. Upstart Goblin is a better topdeck.
2. Jar of Greed is not a very good topdeck, especially when it comes to Jinzo.
3. Jar of Greed is a tad slow. Not only during a top deck, but drawing it as normal even if you aren't topdecking.

I can't really explain the power of this card, it's simply a good card. To be honest, it works betetr in my deck thwan it does in any other Exoida deck lol. I seem to get my draws faster and the things I need whenever I need it.

I guess you can say I got tired of Reinforcement of the Army. It's not all that great... So I took both out for Upstart Goblin, and it works great. Got Pot of Greed a couple times too, instead of Blade Knight or Strike Ninja :D.
Try playing this card in a Last Turn deck, where LP gain for the opponent works in your favor.

+1000 LP Opponents = Self Destruct works that much better

chaos general said:
Just a thought...
burn decks may consider using this, since they can probably make up for it anyway, right?

Burn Decks don't like opponent gaining LP ever, unless you want to get over the requirement for Meteors. But most of the time, that just delays burn's win and one more turn for Wave-Motion Cannon or a make up Stealth Bird.
If you want to draw cards in a burn deck you could consider Des Lacooda. once you have Messenger of Peace (or some other block) in place you can flip away to your heart's content (within the Game Rules of course). Great with Solemn Wishes and Fire Princess.

One catch though is that you can end up with too many cards and have to discard.

this card works in stall decks very well and control because all they haave to do is claer then attack
DarkPaladin2k1 said:
Not quite sure about the feather thing , but the review about Upstart Goblin is very interesting although if we go deeper in the analysis we see this...

Pot of Greed: 2 card draw, really is 1 card since you trade virtually one for the pot itself
Graceful Charity: draw 3 discard 2, tecnically is draw "2" discard 2 if we follow the system
Upstart Goblin: 1 for 1, and gives the opponent 1000 lp, not much to say here...

Get the idea? They don't "give" you cards faster you just created a smaller deck.

Exactly my point bro! You "virtually" have a smaller deck. For a moment there, I didn't think anyone could view the way I viewed it.