Ways to know if cards are fake?

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Basically it should say Konami on the back and have the little holo-foil insignia in the bottom left hand corner. Fakes generally have a different consistancy to them. The car stock is markedly different, probable cheaper cardboard. There are no Yu-Gi-Oh! cards that are completely shiny, like a lot of fakes. Usually, it's pretty easy to tell an English fake. They don't come close to the originals.
obvious signs would be using strange or alternate words in place of the regular words for Attributes or Subtypes.

Look for the serial #, the gold stamp for 1st edition, silver stamp for ulimited edition, and the creator's name at the bottom.

compare the questionable card to a more authenticated card. Check the type font to see that it matches. The closest fakes generally are still longer and thinner than the copyright font that YGO uses.

Look to see if the wording or image appear blurred. Especially the wording. Cursory glances may just think its a slight printing mishap, but its more likely a problem with resolution during the scanning process. That means fake.

Authentic cards use a dull mat gloss finish to coat their cards. It offers less reflection. Many fakes have difficulty reproducing holograms, so they opt for cheaper, shiny final coats to help reproduce the look.

These tend to make the cards thicker and more stiff than real cards, and the colors are actually brighter, more vibrant than the real ones.

Also, because of the layering process that real cards have, your run of the mill fakes tend to put things like the holostamp in the corner on last. This means that it is sometimes easy to pick out, when the stamp comes loose. That doesn't happen to real cards, because they are below the surface.

The back of the cards should have the UDE mark and the YGO trademark symbol.

For real good fakes, check the eye in the holostamp. Authentic cards have a smooth flowing line around the center, where as the fakes tend to be much more square and boxy looking.

Take it from the proud owner of an Ultra Rare Gren Maju de Eiza, Super Rare Lesser Fiend, and English Five-God Dragon.
The main thing I notice is color and thickness. My brother and I learned that the hard way. He bought a bunch of commons off a guy from ebay, and although the colors looked a little off, we thought nothing of it. It wasn't until a local tourney we learned our error (CURSE YOU EBAY SELLER!!!) :mad_jedi:
Color doesn't mean anything (as long as it looks close).

I have a lot of commons that ARE NOT fake and still have a difference in color (like some are darker than the others).
Touch the card if it feels like a Poker card you got a fake.

there is a set of signs to go through over at the UDE site. CHeck it out sometime.
yeah what if you have several cards 3 to be precice. All came from proper packs with real cards just these 3 particular cards have gold names. They are lighter slightly than some of the other cards. They have the hologram and ts fixed on perfectly properly but the hologram seems to be sideways aka instead of a horizontal eye it has a vertical one. Pretty sure theyre fake but they came from untouched packs with all other legal cards and each pack had the rares in them one even having a super rare.
There probably not fakes, if you've got the hologram stamp is on there (even if it's vertical). Some of these cards had gold foil lettering, though I'm not sure why. Extra ink or not enough.
Now that we have the new Collectors Area (YGO), I figure why not take advantage of it?

Huzzah! :ninja:
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