Weather or Science Related Deck


New Member
Hey all, being someone who is studying science, I was hoping someone can help tell me what kind of a deck I need to go along a theme of either Weather or Science.

If Weather, I'm first off looking at cards with Weater type names, and to implement "Weather Report" in somehow without it being a waste of a monster.

For the Science Deck, I'm looking for again cards to do with science. And for example, I'm looking at cards such as the Water Dragon set, the Helios cards from the duel with Juudai (Jaden Yuki) and the 7th shadowrider, and Science Soldier.

I hope this is a bit demanding, but I've been looking without much luck. Can any genius give me a shopping list I need?
Weather Ideas:
Weather Report
Ray & Temperature
Driving Snow
Rain of Mercy
Violent Rain
Whirlwind Weasel
Windstorm of Etaqua
Heavy Storm
Storm Shooter

Science Ideas:
Water Dragon
Bonding - H20
Science Soldier
Magical Scientist*

* - Banned

Not sure if there is a deck there, for either of those ideas. But hopefully that helps a little at least.
More Weather Ideas:
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dust Tornado
Ray & Temperature (not Ray & Sunshine)
Solar Flare Dragon (it's space weather)
Kaminari Attack (= Lightning Attack)
Windstorm of Etaqua
Whirlwind Prodigy

More Science Ideas:
Homunculus the Alchemic Being
Golden Homunculus
D.D. monsters (remember, the current Grand Theory of Everything requires 11 dimensions)
Kinetic Soldier
Interdimensional Matter Transporter
Machine monsters?

Some of those certainly aren't directly related to their themes, but that's what I came up with (in addition to Jathro's suggestions).