well back to the good ol, zombies[sept. 1 list compat]

i am cao pi

you gotta duel on
well since my old soul control and tomato control weren't working I guessed I would go back to an old friend, the zombies. They've done well before for me and since me playtesting this deck[ a six and 0 record] I think it could be a contender in the new format.

Tribute Monsters:8
3x ryu kokki
3x vampire lord
1x mobius the frost monarch
1x despair from the dark

3x pyramid turtle
2x regenerating mummy
1x sangan
1x d.d. warrior lady
1x treeborn frog
1x pitch-black warwolf
1x breaker the magical warrior
1x magician of faith

3x book of life
2x fissure
1x nobleman of crossout
1x pot of avarice
1x graceful charity
1x call of the mummy
1x heavy storm
1x book of moon
1x swords of revealing light
1x mystical space typhoon

trapsx 7
3x sakuretsu armor
2x dust tornado
1x call of the haunted
1x torrential tribute
you definitly need to get a ring of destruction: take out a sakuretsu, a smashing ground: take out 1 fissure, a mirror force: take out another sakuretsu, and a spirit reaper: take out a regenerating mummy.

because you run 3 turtle, 1 sangan, and 1 treeborn a creature swap may just add onto your zombie ownageness of doomage. your spell lineup is strong, although i would make the changes i put above

I like your trap lineup too, simple and to the point. but you sooo need a ring of D. its chainable T_T.