My deck is composed of, possibly the most unpopular monsters in the game. The Fairys. Now I know what most people think..."Oh they're fairys, they're gay..." Well, my friends...that's where you're wrong. There are a lot of weak fairys and not all with the greatest effects...but then, there are a few awesome fairys out there. But it takes a lot of thought to get a deck of fairys that will support eachother in a manner that will beat another deck. I've toiled over mine and as soon as I find an Agent of Judgement-Saturn, and Agent of Force-Mars, and another Sanctuary in the Sky it will be complete. I regularly duel against 6 different types of decks (Fiends, Heroes, Spellcasters, Earth, Fire, and Water). While I may not always win, it is always a good duel. I do have some other decks that I've thought about and worked on to an extent, but my fairys will always be my babies.