What would be the new Monarch formula?

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New Member
Well, the whole line-up isn't that hard. I'm talking about the just the Monarch line up.

Usually, the monarch team is

3x Thestalos
2x Mobius
2x Zaborg

Now, some players do go for 3x Zaborg, but that 7x Monarch is usually the set most people go for. But when Raiza the Storm Monarch hits the TCG, I'm expecting this to change.And to add the new Raiza, which Monarch will be slimmed down you think to make room? Will the 7x Monarch team be shifted to 8x Monarch Team for everybody? Or will it go to even 9x Monarch team?


Well, the reason why I created this is cause the formula for Monarch haven't change too much. If it was a Monarch-dedicated deck, it usually ran 3x Thestalos. (And side-deck them out against Dark World) From there, the rest of the team switched around depending on the metagames. During the Chaos-Return, Zaborg was more focused then even Thestalos and Mobius was shafted. (Mainly cause too many powerful monster threats like Cyber Dragon, foe's Zaborg, and the dreaded Chaos Sorcerer) But before Chaos days, it was usually Thestalos+Mobius combo. Right now, it's similar. With so many "floater" monsters with gadgets and whatnot, Zaborg have lost it's touch. And with Raiza being a total "Anti-floater" monster, (If it bounced stuff like Sangan/Treeborn Frog, yeah, that'll **** them off) it'll see alot of value that'll replace some Zaborg use IMO. (But some monsters are better being destroyed then bounce. Say a Monarch when you know your foe have a Treeborn Frog in their graveyard.)
Honestly Raiza will likely replace Zaborg somewhat in the build. Most of the current builds have seen Mobius come back to the forefront (and with what's coming in Force of the Breaker, Mobius will be even more important since both the Crystal Beasts and the Volcanics rely upon Continuous Spell Cards).

I also really haven't seen 3x Thestalos that much these days either. I think to start you'll see something like 2x Mobius and Thestalos, 1x Raiza, and the rest tossed in between Zaborg and Raiza depending on the player's preference. I do see more Raizas and Mobius being included in the side deck too though.
IMO, it might be this

3x Thestalos
2x Mobius
2x Raiza
1x Zaborg

yes, that does put it to 8x Monarch.
Jathro said:
More like 3x Mobius, 2x Raiza, 2x Zaborg.

sounds like one giant thunderstorm to me...

uve got hail, thunder, and wind all in one...:D...i dont think fire usually comes from the skies anyways...or does it...hmm
Inuyasha_Riku said:
...i dont think fire usually comes from the skies anyways...or does it...hmm
not unles there a volcano erupting nearby

Anyway I personally don't think the monachs will have a new formula and if it does i don't think it will have as may monachs in it as previous monach decks.
No way. Raiza will definately come out. Mainly cause Zaborg is losing in value in duel cause of too many floater monsters. But that doesn't mean Zaborg will die mainly cause there's still some monsters that should be destroyed rather then bounce. (e.g. Spirit Reaper, face-down flippers. Monarchs with Treeborn Frog fueled, Recruiters, etc. )

No love with Thestalos? I usually likes to start things off with tributing Thestalos then anything else cause most players tend to start things with keeping their power cards in their hands. Not to mention at first, if you summon like mobius, it'll get hit by Torrential/BTH. I rather bait them out with Thestalos before bringing out Mobius/Zaborg for the kill.
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