Would you consider this a draw?



Both players are using an Exodia deck. Well into the game both players find themselves holding 4 parts of Exodia. Player(A) summons Emissary of the Afterlife and ends his turn.Player (B) then summons Giant orc and attacks player (A)s Emissary,both players smile and declare a win as they both retreive the last peice of Exodia.

Would you rule this a draw?

Nope, this isn't a draw. Since you have a simultaneous effect going on with Emissary, you put it on a chian with the turn player being chain link one, and the opponent being chain link 2, you resolve in reverse order. Exodia, like life points is one of those cases where as soon as all 5 are in your hand (minus a Graceful Charity situation) you win. So in this case the non-turn player wins.

This is kind fo stinks for Player B, because they probably thought they had it in the bag, until the chain resolves 8^D.
Neither Player can declare a win while an effect is resolving. Even though one player has to select the monster First with Emissary; the win cannot be declared until emissary resolves completely. The result will be a DRAW.
That's true, I was thinking about the Dual Sangan's attacking each other. I forgot about Emissary being a single card resolving. The same would apply for Cyber Jar/Morphing Jar 2, etc.