Your gonna wanna read this one, KIMAN ABUSE


RIP Jacob KT 2/16/06
2 DOR-019 Spoiler ~ Stephanie Brown
1 MAV-045 Ape X ~ Xina
16 DOR-014 GCPD Officer ~ Army
4 DOR-001 Alfred Pennyworth ~ Faithful Friend
2 MXM-045 Artie ~ Arthur Mad****s
4 MXM-043 Annalee ~ Mother Hen
4 DGL-083 Kiman ~ Chief Weaponer
1 DGL-075 Anti-Monitor ~ Architect of Destruction

Plot Twists:
4 DOR-026 Bat-Signal
4 DGL-201 Millennium
4 DOR-029 Fizzle

3 DOR-033 Wayne Manor
4 DGL-182 Birthing Chamber

4 MMK-213 Medallion of Power
4 DOR-031 Utility Belt

61 Total Cards

I can't take credit for this, I saw someone else using it in OTCGN, Makaveli was his screen name.

The goal is to get out annalee with medalion of power and abuse Kiman with her. Using this combo you make it to turn 9 with anti-moniter for the win.

Wayne manor gives you an endless Supply of life for kiman and medalion.
I'm still looking through it. Trying to sort it all out. My coffee still hasn't hit my blood stream yet.
welps ill be honest I havent played vs in a long time and when new Marvel sets come out all i look for is X-Static Legacy cards.

thats preay much my favorite team and strategy. May not be the ubber best but hey I've gotten some preaty good wins off it :)
Looking it over I belive I just played against another deck that does the same thing, but with a bunch of pesky Shadow Characters. But the one I saw used a location I can't quite remember in place of Kiman. ... I think.
I like the concept. I think being able to stun characters without attacking is huge. The only problem I can see is the beat you may take before turn 4, and after turn for, not being able to do away with the bigger characters. Decks like Avengers would eat this because of there out of combat tricks. I'm gonna build it and test it though because I do like it.