Zombie/Dragon deck

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New Member
just started dueling so help me out please.

My deck features Zombies & Dragons as it's theme

X1 Ryukokki
X2 Pyramid Turtle
X1 Spirit Reaper
X1 Gyroid
X1 Despair from the Dark
X1 Dark dust Sprit
X1 Vampire Genesis
X1 Armed Dragon LV3
X1 Twin Headed Behamoth
X2 Luster Dragon
X1 Armed Dragon LV5
X1 Vampire Lord
X1 Masked Dragon
X1 Double Coston
X1 Drak Blade
X1 Mobius The Frost Monarch
X1 Sprit Of Breeze

Spell cards

X1 Call of the Mummy
X2 Book of life
X1 Pot of Greed
X1 Premature Burial
X1 Swords of Reveling Light
X1 Butterfly Dagger-Elma
X1 Monster Reborn
X1 Rising Air Current
X1 Ookazi
X1 Noble man of Crossout
X1 Lightning Vortex
X1 Snatch Steal
X1 Change of Heart

Trap Crads

X1 Cease Fire
X1 Call of the Hunted
X1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
X1 Torrential Tribute
X1 Cemetery Bomb
X1 Raigeki Break
X1 Blast with Chain

I tried to stick to one type, but I've decided to stick to my favorites after all it's just a game.

Other cards at my disposal

dark core
royal decree
snatch steal
Grave keepers servant
Stamping destruction
cure mermaid
Bad reaction to simochi
I Matter Transporter
Hade hade
Enervating mist
Unshaven angler

so can you please help me
Are you sure you want to make a zombie dragon deck? I mean theres no trouble to it or anything, but IMO i would stick to one of the two themes (like zombie OR dragon, not a mix). But lets see what we can do with what you got.

Monsters 19
1x Mobius the Frost Monarch
1x Ryu Kokki
1x Vampire Lord
1x Despair from the Dark
2x Pyramid Turtle
2x Spirt Reaper
1x Armed Dragon LV3
1x Armed Dragon LV5
1x Masked Dragon
1x Twin-Headed Behemoth
2x Luster Dragon
now monsters you need that are semi staples
+1x Sangan
+1x Exiled Force
+1x Breaker the Magical Warrior
+1x D.D. Warrior Lady
+1x Sinister Serpent (Trad format right? see below)

Spells 13
1x Call of the Mummy
2x Book of Life
1x Pot of Greed (Trad. Format im guessing?)
1x Premature Burial
1x Swords of Revelaing Light
1x Monster Reborn
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Snatch Steal
1x Change of Heart
-1x Lightning Vortex
+1x Raigeki (try get these)
+1x Dark Hole
+1x Graceful Charity

Traps 7
1x Ceasefore
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Torrential Tribute
+1x Mirror Force (since your trad. format, you need this)
+1x Dust Tornado
+1x Sakuretsu Armor (its a 1 for 1)
+1x Bottomless Trap Hole

These are just somethings that i could think of. Im not real good with traditional format since ive been used to Adv. Format, but hopefully these suggestions can help you out.

Your Zombie Dragon Deck is already posted in the Traditional Format Section. There's no need for two. Also, this area is more for deck suggestions as opposed to already completed decks. I'm going to lock this one, but you can read some of my suggestions I made in your first thread in the Traditional Fomrat section.

Neil, you can repost your comments in his other thread if you want.

Welcome to the forums V-God. Don't be afraid to drop by the Intro/Farewell section and introduce yourself. :)
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