Zombie Toolbox


New Member
If what I gathered about "Tool Boxes" is correct, then it means that it's a deck that can quickly adapt to any situation. I heard that warriors were exceptionally good at this.

Though I wonder if I can manage with zombies. I do not believe I am allowed to direct link you to my deck list, so I'd rather ask: What makes a Zombie deck a Zombie Toolbox?
Patrician of Darkness+ Spirit Reaper/other cards (e.g. Dark Spirit of the Silent, which makes a yummy combo with Patrician) makes target control/LP-control.
Vampire Lord makes a bit of card control (effect when inflicting damage)
The Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower together with Special Summons (Vampire Lord's returning, activating effect Book of Life, etc.) shreds your opponent's Deck to pieces.
Ryu Kokki makes the Warrior and Spellcaster's have a hard time.

Much zombie's have the effect of returning (either to the hand or to the field) if they died of an opponent's card effect. At this point of strategy the Zombie's truly shine, even stronger than the Dark World Deck. However, I'm am really unsure, even with D.D. Warrior Lady and a Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer in your Deck, if Zombie's ever can be a Toolbox-Deck.
Densetsu_X has done such with his beast deck (the cats). In talking to him once, he was thinking of sidedecking a bunch of Zombies to spring on his opponent to throw them off balance. That's the only time that I talked to anyone doing something like that with Zombies.

I think that if you could side a whole lot of warrior, you could get away with doing something like this with Zombies. You might ask Dillie O about it. He uses some interesting combo's with his fiends so he might be able to give you more insight.

John Danker and patman would both be excellent sources about this. They both make some very interesting decks. I learn more about deck building everytime I talk to them.

Well that's all I got.
Perhaps I should seek theese "guru's" out ^^.

But I still haven't learned the definition of the word "toolbox" ^^;;
I'm afraid I don't have time to address this right now...but I'm sure we can come up with a "mini tool kit" Zombies aren't as versitile as Warriors or Fiends but they do have some special tricks up their sleeves....you'll have to think outside the box with me when I'm able to address this though.

If you want to make a "toolbox" with any monster type one of the first cards that I personally include is Ultimate Offering. This gives you the option to put your tools on the field during both player's turns at one point or another. When combined with Dark Dust Spirit this combo alone is decadent.

I'll try to find time sometime this weekend to look into it a bit more. I've a tournament to judge here shortly and a regional to judge tomorrow....much to do!
After having looked over the list of Zombie type monsters I'm having considerable difficulty assembling a "toolbox" consisting of purely Zombie type monsters.

As I mentioned before and you commented on, the best "toolbox" consists of Ultimate Offering and either Dark Dust Spirit, Spirit Reaper or Pyramid Turtle in hand. If you're willing to throw in a few other dark monster types then we can begin to make a toolbox of sorts.
Once you add in other Dark monsters such as Newdoria, Wall of Illusion, Mystic Tomato, Don Zaloog, etc.....all searchable with Sangan or Mystic Tomato....now you have a toolbox. Trying to fit those in with Zombies though could be difficult. Your monster line-up might look like this...

3x Vampire Lord
2x Ryu-Kokki
3x Pyramid Turtle
2x Mystic Tomato
2x Newdoria
2x Don Zaloog
2x Wall of Illusion
1x Exiled Force
2x Spirit Reaper

Or some combination thereof. Now you have recurrsion with Mystic Tomato and Pyramid Turtle and Vampire Lord, monster killers with Newdoria, hand control with Don Zaloog, stall and hand control with Spirit Reaper, stall and field control with Wall of Illusion, beatsticks in Ryu-Kokki and Vampire Lord (and of course Vampire Lord's effect)

Combine this with Ultimate Offering and Book of Life and it's going to be hard NOT to have a monster on the field.