Recent content by Coin Flip

  1. C

    chaosruler's wants/haves

    Just the erroneous posts. Your list will be saved. :)
  2. C

    Spike Kaiba's YGO H/W list

    With one slight hiccup, yes. :)
  3. C

    Lord Krino's Have/want list

    Please do correct your post. The preceding messages will be deleted after you do so.
  4. C

    Spike Kaiba's YGO H/W list

    Please correct your thread so that it follows the proper format. The preceding posts will be deleted after you do so.
  5. C

    Jeff Mop's Trade List

    I edited out what I didn't want and what I didn't have from your h/w list. I'm assuming the Enemy Controller is off-limits since it's on your wants list, but if not, I'm interested in that. Priority for me is Abyss Soldier, DDWL, and Enemy Controller. Keeping in mind that your Enemy...
  6. C

    The Have/Want List of Osiris

    Interested in your Emissary of the Afterlife. Big Core Call of the Mummy Both would be 1/e, but if I can't get the 1/e CotM, I'll change the cards around at your level of priority.
  7. C

    Fairy Box up for looksies

    Fairy Box (making every monster in your deck a Gate Guardian piece) One of the more interesting commons from Labyrinth of Nightmare (which saw little or no play all around) was "Fairy Box". Possibly because it is a Permanent Trap, which was normally looked at with disgust by the players who ran...
  8. C

    Archfiend Week!

    Smooth. :P Naah, I'll take nothing for now. I want to see how my peers do them for the first week and then attempt 'em later. For now, I'll do nothing.
  9. C


    Alrighty. I missed the first half of your little chat, so I am merely guessing to fill in blanks. Incorrectly, I may add.
  10. C


    I've got a nice little writeup on Fairy Box already started, and that will just be put up any time when I'm done with it at the moment. Just post your deadlines here so "we're all on the same page".
  11. C


    You must wait for Graceful Charity to resolve first. Also, please stop typing in ALL CAPS. It's quite annoying and doesn't make you look intelligent whatsoever.
  12. C


    Does Wall of Revealing Light inflict damage to your Life Points? No? Then no, you can't.
  13. C

    XYZ-Dragon Cannon and Dimension Fusion

    I should ban you for that, n00b. :P "MY EYES! I CANNA SEE THE BAN BUTTON!" I think that this has been properly resolved now.
  14. C

    Resetting the battle phase when chaining to a trap.

    No, once you're in the Damage Step, no cards besides those that alter attack or defense, counter traps, or special cards like "Null and Void" can be activated in response to anything. But Sakuretsu Armor must be activated in the Battle Step of the Battle Phase.
  15. C

    XYZ-Dragon Cannon and Dimension Fusion

    Currently, there is an incongruency between the two rulings. My suggestion would be to go by the most recent ruling, which states that XYZ is a nomi monster and can ONLY be summoned by its own effect.