Recent content by wesker99

  1. W

    Promo Card Sneak Preview Power of Duelist

    The Seal Of Orichalcos Is Actually Out? Or Is It Planned On Being Released?
  2. W

    YSD2006 Question?

    That WOuld Explain It! Are These out Yet?
  3. W

    YSD2006 Question?

    I heard and saw, that your supposed to get a special edtion Sparkman with it, is that true. i only ask this cause i picked one up and never got the Special edition sparkman, was it limited time, or are there certain decks that have him instead of the bladedge card?
  4. W

    Duelist Pack Special Edition Promos Revealed

    Hey! When do these come out? And will they be in a special pack with just the Three cards or do they come with something? ThanX!
  5. W

    Yu-Gi-Oh! Online USB Key

    There Giving Away VIRTUAL Promos Now? Well Thats The Future For Ya LoL!
  6. W

    YuGiOh! Manga Question.

    Yah I Guess I Could Start Reading DBZ. I Like How Its Uncut And Well Very Brutal LoL!
  7. W

    YuGiOh! Manga Question.

    Well That Sucks! ThatsThe One Thing I Hated About Shonen Jump Is How They Released Manga Bi-Monthly! Oh Well What Are Ya Gonna Do!
  8. W

    YuGiOh! Manga Question.

    Yah I Just Picked Up YuGiOh! Duelist Vol.13 And I Noticed In The Back It Says "Coming APRIL 2006"? Is This A typo? I Thought the Duelist series Was Released Monthly? Did they go back to releasing it every other month like they used to? Any help would be greatly apperciated! ThanX Alot!
  9. W

    Monster Reincarnation + Serial Spell + Emergency Provisions

    ThanX Alot That Helps Lots!!!
  10. W

    Monster Reincarnation + Serial Spell + Emergency Provisions

    So would i atleast need five cards in my hand to pull it off thanx to all the discarding?
  11. W

    Monster Reincarnation + Serial Spell + Emergency Provisions

    yah like play MR then Chain with SS then chain to SS with EP.
  12. W

    Monster Reincarnation + Serial Spell + Emergency Provisions

    'K now i know how to work the MR and SS part of the combo but how would EP fit into the equation? Help would be appericiated cause im really confused lol! Oh and in duel examples would help me see how to work it alot better, if its not to much trouble! ThanX!!!
  13. W

    About The Toons...

    Awsome ThanX Alot For The Clarification! So Now I can use either the toon versions(which i like more!) or the regular or both!
  14. W

    About The Toons...

    I have a question about two of the toons, Toon Gemini Elf and Toon Masked Sorcerer. Are they treated as spellcasters, by that i mean could they work well with most of the cards in the new spellcaster structure deck? Just wanted to know cause they are Spellcaster/Toon and that kinda confused me...
  15. W

    YGO Vid Games Query...

    Very Awsome, ThanX!