This was in the latest Shonen Jump with an article about this coming out in Spring for $9.99. Am I the only one who finds this a bit of an insult? It gives us 3 virtual cards (1 supposedly only exclusive to the USB key and only found there) and 90 DP. It also has some card thing (a case?). There are about 6 virtual cards to collect and different variations to the USB Key Series #1 or something. This basically does what the Duel Pass Phases have been doing (of course no one has been able to get them since Konami is intent on not selling them widely). I cannot see this lasting long. It takes you to a special login page as soon as you plug it in and credits the cards and DP to your account, but I doubt Konami would willing keep putting out a product that obviously would cost them in the near future. Not like making USB keys is cheap right? They really need to fix Yu-Gi-Oh! Online because it is using old cards text before erratas existed and there is no priority and bugs galore.