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  1. S

    9/1 Ban list in Japan

    Dark Realm is over-rated IMO, it is good but it's also very dependant on what you draw and what you don't. Obviously with the Chaos decks going down, Dark Realm decks will be competitve. Thats for sure. But not unbeatable.
  2. S

    9/1 Ban list in Japan

    That was really needed IMO. Sinister was just plain broken.... and TER needed that too cuz of the continous abuse...blah blah...that all u know about
  3. S

    post ban zombie swarm v3.0

    I too really hope the TCG ban list be like the OCG one. If it would be then this tyoe of deck would have more chances of winning and be competitive. I really would go with sirch1964's fixes, he mentioned what i was going to tell ya, and even more:p