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  1. D

    GLAS Special Edition: READ THIS!

    Both are good. And Vortex Trooper.... I thought we learned that machine monster that's 500ATK or less with broken effect will be abused with Machine Duplication.... At least this monster have 0 ATK. Not to mention the "graceful charity" effect is only normal summoned, not special summoned.
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    Light and darkness dragon

    So, let me get this straight. LaDD can only activate once in a chain, and it's the start of the chain. (And thus Book of Moon, Enemy Controller, Matter Transporter is good) Continuous s/t, etc. that are already activated cannot be negated by LaDD. Continuous s/t, etc. that's activated after...
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    SDRL: Where Is It?!?!?!

    In Japan, they're abusing Decoy Dragon to special summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, but that's their situation. I personally don't want Horus LV8 or something in my hand so Herald of Creation have it's plus and minus.
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    Raida Deck (i.e. Light and Darkness Dragon)

    Deck - 42 (a bit fat) tribute x9 Light and Darkness Dragon x3 Raiza x2 Malicious x2 Cyber Dragon x2 non-tribute x15 Stratos Disk Commander Fear Monger Spell Striker Sangan Spirit Reaper Card Trooper Snipe Hunter Breaker MoF Treeborn Frog Marshmellon D.D. Crow x2 Morphing Jar Spells x13...
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    Foolish Thing to Do is Actually Good?

    Another review. This card, is an old classic that people wanted for a LONG TIME. It's not "Broken" or anywhere near limitations, but it's a gosh darn good effect for any specific need or combo decks that got to do with anything with the graveyard. Here's the text. ------- SD13-EN019 Foolish...
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    The Most Broken Trap Ever for a Video Game Promo?

    Okay, unfortunately, we don't know when this will be released since there's no release date yet for the World Championship 2008 game. (But it will be released) But seriously, this trap card will be SO HOT, it'll blow away cards like Dark Bribe or Widespread Ruin back in the days. Not as big as...
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    Looking Ahead 19 - Light and Darkness Dragon

    Rejoice. As this card is coming out as a YGO GX manga promo!
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    Who Says REBD is Inferior to BEWD?

    Effect: This card can be special summon by removing a Dragon type monster on your field from the game. Once per turn, during your Main Phase you can special summon a Dragon type monster outside of [Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon] from your hand or Graveyard to your field.Yay, be back reviewing...
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    do we know all the secret rares and promos for GLAS?

    I heard Necroface and Soul taker are two that's confirmed, but just wondering if all of them are confirmed or not.
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    Vote YOUR cards to be released in USA

    UDE is doing a poll, to put what cards to be released in Shounen Jump Promo. VOTE NOW. SOme of these cards are REALLY GOOD! This is my personal vote Dandylion Summon Priest Chimeratech Fortress Dragon Goka, the Pyre of Malice Beast King Barbaros (Would...
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    check it out improved Skill Drain 07'

    Since this isn't a skill drain burn, yeah, adding that mask of restrict will stop the Mei-Kou thing that's popular recently. And it also stops Monarchs and possible Exiled Force. TOO little monsters. 16 monster in a 43 decck that's trying to do battle damage for winning condition... NOT GOOD...
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    Burn that can Transform(Sidedeck) Into Monarch (help needed please)

    The thing is, there is already a formula for this. (i.e. Skill Drain Burn deck) This is the basic metagame/SJC rip-off version. Monster - 10 Mystic Tomato x3 Dark Mimic LV3 x3 Sangan Card Trooper Morphing Jar Breaker Spell - 12 Wave-Motion Cannon x3 Hammer Shot x2 Smashing Ground Level...
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    Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 promos?

    Hey look, Dark Bribe made huge hits as main-decks for Burn decks in SJC. Makes sense. Yeah, what if your foe draws a card, it's not like they have 2x Heavy Storm in their decks.
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    It works for everyone...but YOU!

    Can't say just HOW MANY TIMES my Jinzo got Snatch/Brained. Well, at least that prob is over in the new banlist.
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    Some spoilers are up for PTDN (Phantom of Darkness) for more info Hmm, about Yubei, it would have been better if your foe take LP damage if YOU crash into your foe's monster on purpose. In order for the burn effect to kick in, your foe have to attack it while face-up attack mode. (Which NO ONE will do...
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    Book of Life vs The Transmigration Prophecy

    Now, I know that Book of Life does both removing 1 monster in foe's graveyard and special summoning a zombie in your graveyard at the same time. So when I activate Book of Life and declare the target of a specific zombie, and foe chains Phophecy to send that zombie from grave back to deck...
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    I hear Light and Darkness Dragon and Gors is coming out? I guess Light and darkness dragon is coming out.
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    I hear Light and Darkness Dragon and Gors is coming out?

    Don't know if it's rumors or not but. Light and Darkness Dragon is going to be the next Shounen Jump Mag promo from what I hear. And Gors, will be the promo card for the YGO R Manga book. Truth or not?
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    Is there a site/forum that posts results of regionals?

    thanks. And I know about metagames. I don't care about SJC result. Talking about regionals.
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    Is there a site/forum that posts results of regionals?

    Say who made the top 8, the deck list, who won, etc. etc. etc.