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  1. K

    I'm getting better, but still need some help!!!

    Why would I run a Time Wizard? Even though his effect can be helpful, its too luck orientated. And the fact of me losing lifepoints everytime I call I wrong is bad. If he's the on't monster, it could be good though. Did you just put the Time Wizards in there just because if I don't get to use...
  2. K

    New deck that I want to make.

    Also I don't know why I was thinking that Power Bond had a Limiter Removal effect. I was wondering with Limiter Removal and Power Bond used togeher. Lets say that I use Power Bond to take out Cyber End Dragon, and use Limiter Removal on it, then attach HMSP. I'm pretty Sure that it would have...
  3. K

    New deck that I want to make.

    I made some changes. Only changed two monsters. I don't want to run The Light - Hex Sealed Fusion, because I'm not just trying to summon Cyber Twin or Cyber End. I'm just trying to get any fusion onto the field as quickly as possible. Possibly the first turn. Monsters: (21) Tributes: (6) 3x...
  4. K

    I'm getting better, but still need some help!!!

    Well I can't make it a Monarch deck seeing as that I only have Mobius and Thestalos. Its just a CC deck right now (I don't even like CC decks). I thought I was having problems, but it all depends on what I begin with. I beat him in 3 matches today. I just need some help on making it so that my...
  5. K

    New deck that I want to make.

    Well, I meant to say would it stop me from taking 4000LP of damage if I put in HMSP. And Light Seald Hex Fusion wouldn't work, because Cyber Twin and Cyber End Dragon clearly say in their effect that a Fusion Summon of this card can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters. I...
  6. K

    New deck that I want to make.

    I don't have a lot of cards that I am using to make this deck, so I can't test it for myself. Its mainly Chimeratech/ Cyber deck. I put Gadgets in the deck, but that is only to thin the deck a little. Its really weird to me since I am just starting to run other types of decks. Here is what I...
  7. K

    I'm getting better, but still need some help!!!

    Today I made a new deck because I got some new trades. I'm still looking to get a Treeborn Frog, a Ring of Destruction, and a Exiled Force. So far I have been encountering a few problems with my friends new deck. He runs Rush Recklessly (until he gets Shring) and Limiter Removals in a Ancient...
  8. K

    Second deck posted and need some assistance.

    Now, tonight I decided to try and remove the zombies from my deck and try something new. I still don't have a lot of cards I need, but I think that I did good work with what I had. I still need another Cyber Dragon, another Mobius, Treeborn Frog, D.D. Assailant, Ring of Destruction and a Exiled...
  9. K

    I'm new and need some deck assistance.

    The only cards that you named are Zero Gravity, Bottomless Traphole and Fissure. I also don't know what cards I would tak out of my deck for those either.
  10. K

    I'm new and need some deck assistance.

    The deck that Suerte Rico made only had four recruters, but the one that I made had ten, plus Scapegoat. And the card that stops me from beating him isn't Airknight, its his End of Anubis and Treeborn Frog. Those cards alone just completely destroy my decks use. Getting Zombies into the...
  11. K


    Well, now you should remove those banned cards to play in advanced. I would say since it is a Warrior T-box deck, put in Injection Fairy Lily (great card) in place of Magician of Faith. For Cyber Jar, another Exiled Force would be the next best thing. Dark Hole you can take out for Lightning...
  12. K

    Phoenix Deck

    Also another good reason to run Ceasefire. With Gadgets on the rise, you need as much protection from destruction cards.
  13. K

    Yes, u can only see me Win!

    I used to run EoS in a Vampire Lord Recycle deck and just have tons of supporting monsters sent into the graveyard quickly using Magical Merchant. It worked very efficiantly. Too bad the card was banned after I only used it for about a week. I was able to win easily using thats deck. It WILL...
  14. K

    I'm new and need some deck assistance.

    Well, running two Creature Swaps in a deck can be very risky. Also this deck doesn't have very many swap monsters. It doesn't even have Scapegoat to swap. Don't you think that if I had a Treeborn Frog I would be running that and another DDS? And if I had the cards I would run three Cyber...
  15. K

    Phoenix Deck

    I don't see why you would put Ceasefire into your main deck. I don't know why, but I never had much respect for the card unless you were going to use Lightning Vortex after activating it. Then again with your destruction monsters (D.D. Warrion Lady, Exiled Force, Apprentice/ Old Vindictive...
  16. K

    Yes, u can only see me Win!

    I was saying that you should run Magical Mallets. I didn't want you to run a reload. Thats just a personal choice. I on;y have three Exodia parts, so I really can't experimant all that much. Just look for cards that thin your deck very quickly. I have no ideas in mind.
  17. K

    Macro Madness :)

    Well, in a Macro Cosmos deck you could always run SoRL and Lightning Vortex to get a field advantage so you don't lose monsters to destroy your opponents monsters with DDS and Torrental Tribute. I think that would work good, but I don't know what I would tell you to remove from your deck...
  18. K

    Yes, u can only see me Win!

    If you didn't already know, three Magical Mallets work very well in Exodia recycle deck, seeing as that you don't have to discard your entire hand unlike Reload. You could always try running Messanger of Peace also.
  19. K

    what do you think of my macro cosmos deck

    I agree with Lord Hades. Put in three "Dimensional Fissure". Removing cards from play can give you a huge advantage. Also I wouldn't run only run one Apprentice Magician. I would run a Old Vindictive Magician and Apprentice Magician engine. Also I would take out Dark Ruler Ha Des for a Zaborg of...
  20. K

    I'm new and need some deck assistance.

    I always had bad luck using "Reasoning." In Zombie decks I always thought that "Magical Merchant" was the better choice so you could get Zombies into your Graveyard. Thats when I used to play Vampire Lord decks, but know Cyber Dragon completely ruins that deck type. I took out Magical Merchant...