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    Invasion of the Furballs!

    I love Kuribohs. Add 2 Dimension Walls it'll punish them when they attack your Griggle
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    level modulation versus serial spell

    If Magic Jammer were actvated your opp. would not draw two cards. It is not a cost. Plus you can actvated Level Modulation and chain SEA-Kurogane and get Potector of the Sancuary and they can't draw. You still get your monster.
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    Magic Box

    *admires his work and compares it to bringing up TR and Wildheart* So I should just continue ruling like I always have and select my opp. SSLV5 and my Ameba and summon Lava Golemn. Ok. Great arguement. I selectively paid attention and know I was right as least for now. <edit> I feel so stupid
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    YGO Card Name Game

    Since Jason took my guess, I'm gonna say Heavy Storm or Giant Trunade
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    YGO Card Name Game

    Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames?
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    Chthonian Blast

    Not only is itn ervewreking that it activates in the damage step but Sasuke Samurai #4's effect won't trigger it :(. my friend loves that card he calls it right 75% of the time