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  1. F

    Help From Many Judges!

    Okay so it is possible that a mistake could have been made? Cool....cause I am sick of being yelled at =/. FA
  2. F

    Help From Many Judges!

    So my fun fire deck is ruined o.o
  3. F

    Help From Many Judges!

    So I have Solar Flare Dragon on the field equipped with megamorph making its ORIGINAL attack to 3000. Then I play Spiritual Fire Art - Kurei, me and slither say they would lose 3000 but others say no 1500, they gave me a link that proved me otherwise...
  4. F

    Angelic Inspiration: Star Dust

    Hello ladies and gents, and welcome to this week's article. Hopefully everyone had a great time at the sneak preview event this past weekend, I know I did. If you didn't go, you're missing out, there are some great cards to look at! There are a few new magic and traps I looked at in particular...
  5. F

    3 New Cards Coming August 1

    I CALL CLAIMS TO THE OTK ROCK DECK FOR UNITY >.> Can you say otk pwnage o.o FA
  6. F

    McDonald's round 2 pack?

    I've known about this for about 3 weeks now...but I wonder what the holo's will be...some cool blown out vanilla tributes =D FA
  7. F

    Zombies arent dead...are they?

    Okay to the deck at hand...well first off Hi Inu =D. Okay deck, your monsters dissapoint me this time, as you said your not watning to copy a pure zombie deck your friend made, well I have news for the both of you....1. he doesn't have copy rights to the pure zombie deck. 2. Ummm read 1 =D...
  8. F

    Power of the Duelist Possibilities =)

    That they are...but remember these are just speculation and more than likely the car effects will be watered down. And I know riku =)
  9. F

    Power of the Duelist Possibilities =)

    Good to be back on, havn't been here in a while. Official Releasing Date: 18/05/2006 (May 18,2006) 1st booster of 5th series Total cards: 60 Ultra Rare : 3 * Super rare : 5 * Rare : 7 * Common : 45 * Total : 60 5 cards per pack Contains Yuki Judai's E-Hero Neos Fusions and Neos Spacian of...
  10. F

    VWXYZ...where to start?

    Fuzzman has pretty much got the point of the VWXYZ, but another fun combo I love to use with the cards is Magical Merchant + Big Burn + Chaos Greed/chaos somthing. It is risky but imo alot more challenging. FA
  11. F

    Inferno Reckless Summoning

    All I have to say is that 2 cards will dominate over others with this card, proto Cyber Dragon and Batteryman AA. FA
  12. F

    Armed Dragon Onslaught

    Level 10, situational? NEVER. You just have to build your deck around getting him out, like this ;) try it if you want and if you don't want level 10 just take him out =O and add in another Brain Control =). Good luck wiht it riku. |18| 1|"¢◦□Armed Dragon LV10□▫"¢ 2|"¢◦□Armed Dragon LV7□▫"¢...
  13. F

    SD8-Conqueror of Gale

    I woudln't expect to many harpie things turning up in the deck itself, this is a wind deck not a OMG HARPY DECK, it just has some harpie support thrown in there, just like the new rock deck, its based around flipping which in turn lead to sphinxes. Its goign to be an okay deck imo, I mean slates...
  14. F

    Chemistry 101 - Mineral Rock Segments

    Chemistry 101 - Mineral Rock Segments By FallenAngel The Earth, younger than the universe, but older than the stars, the soil we step on and the rocks we shamelessly bypass. In the older days of Yu-Gi-Oh; when kids where stuffing three Blue Eyes White Dragons in there decks along with three...
  15. F

    At last...we shall have our revenge...XD

    Ooo havn't fixed one of htese in a while =p. Took a different approach with it. Strike Ninja + New Casters = TOTAL FUN PWNAGE XD. Idea by JPmoney Dark Magician Chaos Command Magician Dark Magician of Chaos Breaker the Magical Warrior Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive Dekoichi the...
  16. F

    SOI list is here!

    Ohhh I can't wait for excelleron, I will finally make my Ryu Senshi deck o.o, I know it doesn't get its effect unless its saced but I am me, you know its possible XD. FA
  17. F

    Plants' Riverbed [Structure Deck]

    Wait what? Is this an actual structure being released? My absense has gone confusing XD. FA
  18. F

    SOI list is here!

    Ancient lamp hasn't been confirmed but it is a strong possibility along with Shrink. It has also been announced that Shadow Of Infinity will be bringing us an SE as well. FA
  19. F

    Jathro's Journal - Know Thy Graveyard

    Your article = A+, loved it jath, glad to see your back to writing, guess alot has happened since my break. I really like htis one, opened my eyes up to a lot of new strategies, plus things I missed earlier in my dueling dynasty XD. FA
  20. F

    Ygo Gx Packs??

    There out here, they are also releasing 2 gx STARTER decks, and SOI will have an SE =D. FA