Angelic Inspiration: Star Dust

Hello ladies and gents, and welcome to this week's article. Hopefully everyone had a great time at the sneak preview event this past weekend, I know I did. If you didn't go, you're missing out, there are some great cards to look at! There are a few new magic and traps I looked at in particular, they focus on the power of the Different Dimension

First off lets start with the trap.

Macro Cosmos
Trap Card
You can Special Summon 1 "Helios - The Primordial Sun" from your hand or deck. While this card is on the field, any card sent to the Graveyard is removed from play instead.

When I first glanced at Macro Cosmos, I didn't really think twice about it, I mean I didn't plan on running Helios "“ The Primordial Sun. But when I say its second effect I began to think. How many cards do we have that can help its effect? I mean, what if I ran heavy hitters along with cards like Magical Merchant, Graceful Charity, The Cheerful Coffin, in possible 2-3's (except charity, just cards that send will get the monsters to the grave faster)? That might go well. Then I really began to think in depth about this card, it only removes monsters, no spell or traps, making it more usable, in the end you could finish out the combo with either Dimension Fusion or Return from the Different Dimension. But what other cards are there to use to truly bring out Macro Cosmos' ability?

One word, D.D. Survivor, many people have attempted to make this monster great, but in the end it came to help out Strike Ninja, and being counters to D.D. Warrior Lady and D.D. Assailant. But now he serves a whole new purpose, in a sense, he will be indestructible. Lets imagine this for a second. You set/summon D.D. Survivor, but oh no! Your opponent uses Bottomless"¦waste, Oh no! My opponent uses Smashing Ground"¦waste, Oh no! My opponent attacks"¦waste. I think you can see where I am going with this. And right behind D.D. Survivor is our good friend D.D. Scout Plane, another monster who needs to make his way into the world.

Now to look at that Magic card.

Grand Convergence
Spell Card
You can only activate this card while "Macro Cosmos" is on your side of the field. Inflict 300 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points and destroy all monsters on the field.

This magic card has to be used in accordance to Macro Cosmos. Grand Convergence. It's a quick-play magic card, so it has more options when being used. This card can be considered "cheap" in a way, because while using Macro Cosmos, your opponent will obviously, find a way to destroy it I.E. Jinzo or Breaker, blamo they summon them, and you respond with Grand Convergence, now your cosmos lives on and they are 300 life points closer to defeat.

Another card you could use is Dimensional Fissure, it has more or less the same effect, without the Grand Convergence part.

Thank you for reading this weeks article, have fun duelists.

ey fallen..its been awhile...yea theres a lot of decks out there nowadays using those 2 cards...think u wanna try making a deck based off of it?