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    yvd: that's right I made it a sphinx deck!

    2|Ep1|Andro Sphinx 3|Ioc|Berserk Gorilla 1|Mrl|Cyber Jar 1|Lob|Dark Hole 3|Pgd|Different Dimension Capsule 3|Ske|Dust Tornado 2|Ast|Enemy Controller 3|Ioc|Enraged Battle Ox 3|Mrl|Gaia Power 3|Sdj|Giant Trunade 1|Mrd|Heavy Storm 3|Ioc|Mad Dog of Darkness 3|Mfc|Tribute Doll 2|Ep1|Sphinx Teleia...
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    Any new Archfiends?

    Well marmot of nefairness[what ever his name is, he's the stupid level 2 normal squirrell with wings and a horn] had his name changed to include archfiend in it's name. When I saw this I was in shock too.
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    you got that from me! also you could go with Des Wombat and try cards like Dark Snake Syndrome,mecha dog marron,thousand flame. or the Fire Princess route with marie,Spell Absorption,Solemn Wishes,Archfiend of Gilfer and spell absoprtion with Gearfried the Iron Knight worlks well.
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    The duelist on the street article #2

    the power of focus. the duelist on the street article #2 Hello again and welcome to another unofficial article[hhhmmmm mabye if do well on these articles mabye I'll become an official Netrepâ„¢ writer(hey I can dream can't I)]. Anyway I'm apposed to do an article right. Alright in the last...
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    let the dark alliance reform!

    alright this is my dark realms deck so far. monsters zure, knight of dark world broww, huntsman of dark world sillva, warlord of darkworld 2x beiege, vanguard of dark world 2x scarr, scout of dark world Magician of Faith magic Premature Burial Brain Control[finally got one!] 3x gateway to...
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    Fantasy Card Review - Spells

    monkey wrench normal spell this card can special summon one monster with 'mech' in it's name.the monster targeted by this effect can't attack this turn. hack aura spell[equip] this card can only target cards with 'mech' in it's name.the monster targeted by this card gains speed attack[Double...
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    Fantasy Card Review - Monsters

    mech knight atk 1900/def 100 lv4 machine earth this card can't atk face down monsters. mech soldier atk 1600/def 1500 lv3 machine earth for every card with the word 'mech' in it's name increase this monster's atk by 200 points. mech gaurd atk 500/def 2000 lv4 machine earth this can't be in...
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    YGO Card Name Game

    elemental mistriss doriado
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    YGO Card Name Game

    i give up. lol
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    Duelist on the street: article #1

    Let's see if we can get this straightened out. the duelist on the street article #1 Ok hi i'm i am cao pi and i'm thought I should give to the community of gamers of this online city that we call cog, so to make a long story short i'm going to grace you with my article that i'm gonna post...
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    Fantasy !!Breaking News!! City of Gamers Members and Staff Lay Siege to UDE and Konami

    i appoint myself to be the sephiroth of this outting.
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    YGO Card Name Game

    i suggested gardna. wait i guess Spirit Reaper.
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    Fantasy !!Breaking News!! City of Gamers Members and Staff Lay Siege to UDE and Konami

    have you seen the shuriken that they use in naruto?
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    Fantasy !!Breaking News!! City of Gamers Members and Staff Lay Siege to UDE and Konami

    are you talking about presea.riku look at my posts.and we need sirchs ex there[no offense just goin' off of probably old info].
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    Fantasy !!Breaking News!! City of Gamers Members and Staff Lay Siege to UDE and Konami

    what about people who can use the millenium puzzles they gave as trophies[man there huge]
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    Fantasy !!Breaking News!! City of Gamers Members and Staff Lay Siege to UDE and Konami

    don't forget humungosly large shuriken,rocket launchers,gundams[had to mention it],gun arms,and rule books,don't forget to bring your mc2 cases. lol.
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    YGO Card Name Game

    Stealth Bird,Penguin Soldier,Giant Germ,Sangan,Newdoria,Night Assailant.
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    Fantasy !!Breaking News!! City of Gamers Members and Staff Lay Siege to UDE and Konami

    what about poor me i can bring the snacks and the rulebooks to throw at employees.0_0 i just thought of something why don't we make this a series? welcome to the land of good rulings biznithes[gta reference].lol
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    brigades of airyglyph arise!

    gear soldier could be ok but he's too weak and i can't power-up them[another reference].