
Gogiga Gagagigo

New Member
A Burn deck is a dec that reduces your opponent's life points, right? Can you give me some good cards that works good in a burn deck? Please, I am new here, so comment's are welcome!:)
Almost anything that lowers your opponent's life points are eligible for a burn deck.

There are lots of good ones floating around the Advanced Format section... check there for ideas.
Peps said:
Don't forget the Fire Princess LP Gainer/Burner, using life point increasing cards like Marie the Fallen One in the graveyard, with Fire Princess on the field, increasing your life by 200 and inflicting 500 points of damage to the opponent ;) Combined with stall like Gravity Bind, LLAB, and Messenger of Peace, it can be nasty :p
you got that from me! also you could go with Des Wombat and try cards like Dark Snake Syndrome,mecha dog marron,thousand flame. or the Fire Princess route with marie,Spell Absorption,Solemn Wishes,Archfiend of Gilfer and spell absoprtion with Gearfried the Iron Knight worlks well.