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  1. T

    What??? a THIRD cyber stein on ebay?

    zomg... if they have a lvl3 test.. which they probably will... now i have to go <<
  2. T

    What??? a THIRD cyber stein on ebay?

    *is reminded to contact them about judging*
  3. T

    How are you treating the DB1/DR1/DB2 sets?

    I don't see why they'd release one TP card, their most recent, and not any others.. it just doesn't seem to make sense to me. I'm expecting to see them all there. I believe they also said that Cyber-Stein would be reprinted, and considering it's supposedly in DB2 it would seem logical, to me...
  4. T

    How are you treating the DB1/DR1/DB2 sets?

    as does MTG and Duel Masters.. a LOT of card games reprint cards.
  5. T

    Official Cyber-Stein Auction Pool --

    Re: Official Cyber-Stein Auction Pool -- "At what price will the insanity end?" Mmkay who won? PM me with address and such so I can mail the packs, unless somebody else has taken the spot..
  6. T

    Official Dark Beginnings 1 Pull Thread

    Re: Official DB1 Pull Thread!! -- Share your luck with the rest of us. I notised this in the Japanese box of FET and the 2 packs that came out of my Structure Deck Set.. all packs with a Super Rare come bundled with a Rare. It's only the Super Rares that are like this.. Ultimate Rares and Ultra...
  7. T

    Konami references in cards.

    Konami should buy out Atari just for the purpose of making Pac-Man into a card =D
  8. T

    Official Cyber Stein Thread

    Back uo to 23100 and i suspect it will go down again =P
  9. T

    Official Cyber-Stein Auction Pool --

    Re: Official Cyber-Stein Auction Pool -- "At what price will the insanity end?" I can provide 2 packs to the winner, but no more. My wallet has said ouch all month =p
  10. T

    "Cyber Jar" - Effect resolution order.

    Re: "Cyber Jar" - Effect resolution order. 3 - both at the same time.
  11. T

    Your Country? Where u from?

    United States, will hopefully be moving to Japan in a few years.