2006 GBA Nationals

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New Member
There's got to be at least a couple of COGs who made Top 16 for this. I managed to qualify, so I'll be at Comic Con in July to hopefully play my way to Tokyo and represent COG (and Team Sweet Biscuits). Did anyone else make it in? The only drawback is that I haven't played the game much, so I've been playing der infi games lately so that I can unlock enough cards to make a decent deck.
It's the same as the April 1st list, plus the Japanese cards. They gave us a link to a code so the game would conform to the new list too...not that it stops the computer players from ripping Pot of greed on me :(
yea thats the mess that i was dealing with when i had the codes for all the lists, the PC still plays with last years, i guess they added this feature for head to head. not man vs. pc. oh well go figure huh.
I am going, but unfortunately not as a player. They topped the age restriction off at 32, and I am 34, so I wasn't allowed to compete :cog_cryin

Instead, I am going as guardian to my 12 year old stepson, who managed to get through ENTIRELY by his own effort. Needless to say I am extremely proud of him :)

I look forward to meeting any fellow CoGers there! (listen out for the English accent)

Incidently- I have been looking through the emails that Konami sent us- and can find no trace of an ID code for the restriction list. And as of thursday, they hadnt sent out the materials they said they would send- i.e. rules, releases etc. Do you have a link to the information?
Thanks for your help babyarm. We are quite looking forward to the trip, meeting new people, and overall having fun.

At the moment he is spending many hours playing, trying to work out what would be the best deck for him. Having all these 'new' cards available isnt helping- we keep running into new combos with them that we hadnt thought of before- most of which would be well known to the OCG players.
The only thing I can say, is that they had an age limit......that really peeves me off.

Anyway, congrads to your son, and I hope he does well :D
english chef said:
Thanks for your help babyarm. We are quite looking forward to the trip, meeting new people, and overall having fun.

At the moment he is spending many hours playing, trying to work out what would be the best deck for him. Having all these 'new' cards available isnt helping- we keep running into new combos with them that we hadnt thought of before- most of which would be well known to the OCG players.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to the trip too, if just to see Comic-Con for myself. I'm still a long way from unlocking the cards I need to build something viable for July, especially since buying singles on there is so hard to do. I'm definitely looking forward to getting to use the OCG cards, although I'll probably try and use them sparingly, since I'm unfamiliar with them. I'm building an Agent of Saturn li***ain deck to get through the survival duels with, but I dunno if that will work as well against human opponents.
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