9/1 skill drain

i know that 1000 lp of confiscation is too much but often i got confiscation in my first hand so i can take advantage... for me it works...

about tornadoes... take out bait doll for the second dust? remain at 42 or i go with 40?
i only really see a few things I might look at..... one, Ultimate Offerings, can be handy if used right,

two, and pretty important... Giant Trunade, , , its great for opening up the backfield to let loose.....
three.... side deck a couple of Cold Waves.... fantastic with Giant Trunade to open up the attack to BEAT your opponent to a pulp.....

between a couple of Giant Trunades and a few Cold Waves, your opponent will be opened up to finish off more times than you think, , , without their backfield to save them from your onslaught, they will feel helpless and discouraged... .. Plus Skill Drain is chainable to Cold Wave, ,

Not DIRECT fixes to the deck, just positive thoughts to think on and debate working into the scheme . . . hope these thoughts help a bit.... Skill Drain has been my fav for a long time, so Its always been reliable for me, and Ive worked with so many builds that i think these things could help you tremendously... Anyway, off my soapbox, Im out...
giant trunade.. mmm... for what? ultimate ofering for what? cold wave + skill drain is a lethal combo but cold doesn't work well with me... absolutely it will be in a side...

a side deck for skill drain?
fusillers, orcs.zombyras.all dark - 2x deckdevastation virus is brutal.... a possible 6 turns with no 1500 or less atk AND you see all draws!!!

pierce is essential - 2x big bang shot (spell not effect)

when your opponent sides in mobii - have 2x mask of restrict ready to side in- you dont need to tribute......

you will find that you have more turns without skill drain than you like - for me the king tiger wanghu's were a god send... i just leave them out in case skill drain is hit...makes it hard for opponent to tribute....jinzo can rot in his hand....

and finally at least 1 creature swap - you have an equipped to pierce monster and send a def zero orc or gaf to opponent....

you'll find tigers and ddv will really aggravate stien players....heh heh.....