a bit of help please...


New Member
hi - i have a mac computer and cannot use net rep / ronin...would some one please respond with link/highlighted card name for me so i can look at rulings?????
card is destiny hero doom lord
many thanks..
It's a bit of a kludge, but you can use the YCARD tags and just preview a post (instead of submitting it) to get a link for any card you want.

For example, if you were to type this into your post:

[ycard=eoj-en001]Destiny Hero - Doom Lord[/ycard]
You'd get this:

Destiny Hero - Doom Lord

You don't need to have the card name correct, you can type anything you want in there.

Just don't submit new threads or posts just for this purpose. Like I said, the "preview" button will give you the link you can click on without creating a post.
Your first link was closer, don't forget to use the card number and to add the "closing" tag at the end of the item in the form of /ycard (don't forget to put the [] around it.
If he's using Safari then he shouldn't have any problems accessing the Card Registry. I used it at the college in the Mac Lab all the time and didn't have any problems with it. I suggest you get Safari or Firefox. They both work very well for PC and Macs.

Firefox = PC
Safari = Mac
safaro will NOT work for net rep...dont know why - nor explorer for mac... firefox for mac i downloaded today and it does work for netrep...so thanks a bunch!