a draw match

Normally its a best of three. So you would play the third round. If you opponent won, then you would be 1-1-1, in which case....ick I forget. I think it has something to do on how many LP you had left or something like that.

<waving hands in the air/> Can I get a better judge in here to help 8^D
Usually for when you run out of time and it's a draw so far, both on same number of wins and same lifepoints, the first change in lifepoints decides the winner, so I assume the same would be applied here, i.e. start another and the first person to gain a lifepoints lead for whatever reason wins outright.
If you're 1-1-1 you'll play a fourth game to decide match winner.

If time expires during game 4 then turn player finishes their turn and highest life points in game 4 would determine the match winner.

If time would expire between game 3 and 4 then it would be sudden death and the first change in life points in game 4 determines the match winner.
wow thats harsh hope that never happens to me
i have a Question what if the dmage on the sudden death happens to the at the same becuse of ring or sometin then u still play until some1 loses or gain life?
Since ROD damage is simultaneous, then yes, you'd continue going.

Now slightly different would be if your opponent activated Poison of the Old Man and you chained your own Poison of the Old Man to it. Your poison would resolve first and since there is a LP change at the resolution of that card, then the game ends right there, no time to resolve the other poison.
Remember that it's the first change in life points in sudden death. You make your opponent lose life points or you can gain them.....either way it's a win.

I knew a person locally who used to put three copies of the card "Sparks" in his side deck just for that purpose....it's humiliating losing to Sparks <laffin>
this is happen yesterday....

i win the first match, the second finish draw...


-who start first???
-i win the tournament because i've won the first match??? and my opponent go to 1??? (1 match: 1-0/2 match: draw ----> 2-1???)
In case of a draw for any match immediately afterwards the person who got to choose who went first for the draw match gets to do so again, once one of you wins one then it will go to the loser of the previous match again.
If you won the first game and the second game is a draw, play the 3rd game. If time is called before the 3rd game finishes then you win the match.

When time is called, turn player finishes the turn. Then you look at the game score (number of wins and losses of games that have been completed), Since you won one game and your opponent didn't win a game (draw is not winning and the third game is not complete) then you win the match and the 3rd game is considered 'not completed'

If the 3rd game finishes and your opponent wins then you must start a 4th game.

When time is called, turn player finishes the turn. If the 4th game is not started then the Game score is a tie and you start the 4th game in sudden death (as descibed above). If the 4th game has started, then after the turn ends you compare Life points and that player is considered to win that game and the match.

Spot's Knight