A few more VS questions


Council of Heroes
Hey all, bear with me as a VS newbie. Though I'm liking the format a lot. I played a couple rounds with my arch-nemesis the other day, looking into the rulebook and the like, and I have a few questions resulting from it.

1) When can a character's effect be activated if it doesn't say during the combat phase? If I recruit Pyro, can I then activate his effect right then?

2) Are resource points only required for recruiting characters, or are they required for activating plot twists? I read that locations don't require resource points to activate, only that they have the necessary resources on the field. I was curious if it was the same for Plot Twists. For instance, I have 5 resources on the field. I recruit Pyro, who requires 2. I then recruit a character with a cost of 3. Once the combat phase begins, can I activate as many plot twists I have during that time that do not exceed the threshold of 5, or by recruiting all 5 resources, do I leave myself hanging?

3) Can I chain multiple plot twists. For instance, can I chain a pair of One Two punches together when I attack my opponent?

4) Are Plot Twists and locations like traps in that they have to be set for a turn before they are played from the resource row? Or can I set a plot twist, and then activate it during the combat step that turn?

5) So with Wolverine's special Berzerker mode card. Does he essentially get to wipe out all of the "lowballers" by himself? His text reads if he destroys a 4 cost or lower he goes back to ready position, which would make him elibigle for another attack yes?

Thanks in advance guys! I guess I should read up some more and eventually find the LV1 judge test 8^D
1. If a character (or location/plot twist) effect doesn't state any restriction on its use, it may be played at any time.

2. Resource points are used to recruit characters and equipments. The number of resources you have available determine the maximum number of the threshold costs of Plot Twists and Locations that you can play, but those are unrelated to resource points. If you have 5 resources, you may play any plot twists or flip any locations as long as they do not have a threshold cost of 6 or higher. So you could play 4 Savage Beatdowns (4 cost each) if you wanted to.

3. You may chain Plot Twists to each other.

4. Unless a card restricts their use (such as with Hidden Surveillance), Plot Twists and Locations may be played immediately upon being put in the resource row. Also, remember that you can play Plot Twists from hand.

5. If Wolverine stuns a 4-drop or lower, then he will ready and is able to attack again. However, remember that Wolverine must be the one to stun the character. If a card such as Heroic Sacrifice was played, Wolverine is not considered stunning the character. The card Heroic Sacrifice is.
Dillie-O said:
Hey all, bear with me as a VS newbie. Though I'm liking the format a lot. I played a couple rounds with my arch-nemesis the other day, looking into the rulebook and the like, and I have a few questions resulting from it.

That's fine, we're here to help.

1) When can a character's effect be activated if it doesn't say during the combat phase? If I recruit Pyro, can I then activate his effect right then?

Yes you very well may use an activated effect anytime during the turn (with the exception of during the "wrap up" part of the recovery phase, which is when all characters are KOed or recovered, and re-readied, no effects can be activated during this moment).

However in the case of Pyro, you could very well activate his effect at any other time during the turn.

Only specific cards that say during a certain phase or step in the turn they can be used can be used only during those specific phases or steps.

2) Are resource points only required for recruiting characters, or are they required for activating plot twists? I read that locations don't require resource points to activate, only that they have the necessary resources on the field. I was curious if it was the same for Plot Twists. For instance, I have 5 resources on the field. I recruit Pyro, who requires 2. I then recruit a character with a cost of 3. Once the combat phase begins, can I activate as many plot twists I have during that time that do not exceed the threshold of 5, or by recruiting all 5 resources, do I leave myself hanging?

Plot Twists are just like Locations, as long as you have the required amount of resources in play, you can activate them.

3) Can I chain multiple plot twists. For instance, can I chain a pair of One Two punches together when I attack my opponent?

Yes you may chain multple plot twists to each other.

4) Are Plot Twists and locations like traps in that they have to be set for a turn before they are played from the resource row? Or can I set a plot twist, and then activate it during the combat step that turn?

No, Plot Twists and Locations can be played at anytime that they are in the resource row (and plot twist can be played anytime from your hand as well). Just as long as you have the required amount of resources in play to meet the threshold cost in the end is all that matters. So if you wish to set a "Man of Tomorrow" and then use it's effect during your same build phase, then you may. If you want to set a USS Argus and then flip it face-up and activate it's effect in the same build phase, then you may.

5) So with Wolverine's special Berzerker mode card. Does he essentially get to wipe out all of the "lowballers" by himself? His text reads if he destroys a 4 cost or lower he goes back to ready position, which would make him elibigle for another attack yes?

Yes, whenever a character re-readies during the controllers attack step, they are elgible to attack again. So if you attacked a 4 cost or lower with Wolverine, he re-readies and you can attack another, if you continue to attack 4 drops and lowers, he continues to re-ready, only when he hits direct breakthrough damage or a character of a cost of 5 or more will he not re-ready. (Also I'm not sure, but I believe his effect is if he stuns a character of 4 or less cost he readies, if this is the case, then you must stun the character, if you do not successfully stun that character then he does not re-ready.)

EDIT: Dlanaan and I posted this at the exact same time.... I'm starting to miss the SMF feature that allowed for warnings of other replies while sending, ;).
You guys rock! You're my official VS gurus! I think that clears up most of the stuff we've been encountering up to this point. I agree, that simultaneous post thing is quite a gem 8^D
A few other comments.

Resource Points only exist during the recruit step. When you move into the recruit step each resource generates one resource point that can be used for recruiting characters or equipment (gold colored costs). When you leave the recruit step and go into the formation step, any unspent resource points vanish into thin air.

The card costs are one of 2 colors. The Gold are recruit costs on Equipment and Character cards require to you spend resource points to play. The Silver colored costs are Threshold Costs on Locations and Plot Twists only require that you have that number of resources in play.

Spot's Knight
Coolness, that clarifies things up a lot. Thanks Spotsknight! Oh, one other thing, does the card itself count as its own resource for threshold cost. Say I have a location with a threshold cost of 1 and no resources on the field. I set the location and since I'm allowed to activate the same turn I set the resource, can I do that with the location since there is a threshold of 1 (being itself) or does the threshold not include the card to be activated?
Yup. Same as a plot twist threshold of 1; you can set it, then play it that turn, or you can play a threshold 1 from your hand (after you set the resource).

Face up or face down, it counts as a resource once it's down.