A few trains of thought

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Digital Jedi said:
There is very little room for misinterpretation with people we've all known for so long. Yes, sometimes I read a post and think "Gee, woo0 was mad" Then I remember who woo0 is and how well he get's along with everyone on this forum and realize, I read that wrong. (Yes, I was just using woo0 as an example too. Sorry Woo0)
Thanks Jedi! I think it stems from the fact that I try to write to "literal", and it doesnt always translate well when I miss moments where someone has inserted a "humorous" post that conflicts with my statement.
We alll have our own internet personality, so to speak. I think the only time there are any real problems is a new member misinterprets our CoG banter. Sometimes we forget not everyone knows what a monkey cannon is. :D
What exactly don't you agree on?
Question reiterated.

I had a flashback in my mind of DJ saying "Reading through some of there interpretaions of what is and isn't logic, I find I don't agree with all of it" and it got me curious to see to what he was referring. I find he never explained. Much curiosity fills my mind. And we all know how dangerous that can be.

Oh, was this thread seven months old? Sorry, I didn't notice.
Jason_C said:
Oh, was this thread seven months old? Sorry, I didn't notice.
I find it odd that you could miss that this post is over 7 months old, when you're very concerned with the minutiae on all things.

I think it is more of "bump" than anything. Let's not create another personal attack post/thread.
I liked that article. Thank you. Especially the part about violence, insults & fallacies.

As of last night, I made the decision & refuse to associate myself with any of the doz or so duelists in my meta.

Whenever I express an "opinion" it is seen as "wrong" by the vast majority & only because it does not "conform" to the general consensus of the "status quo". I am not a rebel, but more of an "individualist" *a very nasty trait to possess in this game.
I am also a lay philosopher & study logic, ethics & theology.
I have also found that logic & reason are wasted on some of the "younger elements" in this game, as their thought processes have not been defined, and in many cases, established yet.
Many times, I have told them, a opinion can never be "wrong" as it is merely an "alternative point of view" *then I usually get flamed to pieces.
I cannot understand why people's attitudes are different online. I do not have an internet "personae" & would say nothing in text that I would not say to another person's face.
Maybe those who need to "hide behind a keyboard" are just a tad emotionally insecure.
I also dislike those "oh so common" arrogant terms like "gtfo" "stfu" "/wrists" "u phail" etc etc *no disrespect intended, examples only. There are MANY derogatory internet terms in general usage. I get offended by these, but many say "they are just joking" all i know, is that if somebody "joked" that way in real life, I'd prolly slap their face.
I have actually lost HEAPS of friends this way, not actually knowing the true morons they really were, until they went online.
The "Straw Man" fallacy is very common online. I have been a victim of it very often & for a very long time ie.
"your opinion is wrong, I know better, therefore you are bad at yugioh & I am not"
As for abuse, I have found, that some do not even understand what this term/concept even means & it is pointless to try & explain stuff like ageism, racism & sexism because they simply fail to grasp these concepts, meanwhile, those in authority don't give a damn.
I am the constant victim of both ageism & age discrimination in yugioh. Whenever I tell such morons "that tantamounts to abuse" get told "chill, it's only a game & one that a person of your age should definately not be playing" It is a vicious circle.
I also get abused at tournaments, but the judges do nothing, but tell me "what do you expect?"
The biggest "fallacy of Burification" is that CC decks win & original decks do not. It's just that CC decks are what gets mostly played at tournaments & basically, how can one win the lottery if they don't even have a ticket?
People call me "annoying" but I'm also another one of these "truth hurts" people & hence why I only have a few select friends & usually those who know what I'm really like deep-down, whether online or off. Many just won't or cant take that risk because they are scared to.
Yes, I have a moralistic attitude, but that is my undoing, as it seems that hardly anybody in this world/game couldn't give a stuff about respecting their fellow human/duelist anymore.
It's sad.
I have also found that logic & reason are wasted on some of the "younger elements" in this game, as their thought processes have not been defined, and in many cases, established yet.

Blatant ignorance of logical facts has no connection with young age. If anything, the opposite is true. People are born with an incredible ability to learn and understand, and it is in the first few years of life that people begin to grasp logic and reasoning (example: "My mommy gave me a bottle the last time I cried. If I cry again, perhaps she will do the same thing"). It is only at around the age of sixteen and then in the thirties that people begin to lose their ability to absorb new ways of thinking and become more stubborn in their biases and ignorant of other concepts.
I find it odd that you could miss that this post is over 7 months old, when you're very concerned with the minutiae on all things.
I should have known you'd call me on it.
Let's not create another personal attack post/thread.
I don't personally attack anyone. Sometimes my arguments make people feel a compelling need to personally attack me, but that's not the same as attacking them. Relating Necromancer's story, if a "bad" Fiend deck beats a "good" CC deck and the insecure CC player then begins to personally insult the Fiend duelist, are you saying that the Fiend duelist was wrong in sparking up conflict?
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