I liked that article. Thank you. Especially the part about violence, insults & fallacies.
As of last night, I made the decision & refuse to associate myself with any of the doz or so duelists in my meta.
Whenever I express an "opinion" it is seen as "wrong" by the vast majority & only because it does not "conform" to the general consensus of the "status quo". I am not a rebel, but more of an "individualist" *a very nasty trait to possess in this game.
I am also a lay philosopher & study logic, ethics & theology.
I have also found that logic & reason are wasted on some of the "younger elements" in this game, as their thought processes have not been defined, and in many cases, established yet.
Many times, I have told them, a opinion can never be "wrong" as it is merely an "alternative point of view" *then I usually get flamed to pieces.
I cannot understand why people's attitudes are different online. I do not have an internet "personae" & would say nothing in text that I would not say to another person's face.
Maybe those who need to "hide behind a keyboard" are just a tad emotionally insecure.
I also dislike those "oh so common" arrogant terms like "gtfo" "stfu" "/wrists" "u phail" etc etc *no disrespect intended, examples only. There are MANY derogatory internet terms in general usage. I get offended by these, but many say "they are just joking" all i know, is that if somebody "joked" that way in real life, I'd prolly slap their face.
I have actually lost HEAPS of friends this way, not actually knowing the true morons they really were, until they went online.
The "Straw Man" fallacy is very common online. I have been a victim of it very often & for a very long time ie.
"your opinion is wrong, I know better, therefore you are bad at yugioh & I am not"
As for abuse, I have found, that some do not even understand what this term/concept even means & it is pointless to try & explain stuff like ageism, racism & sexism because they simply fail to grasp these concepts, meanwhile, those in authority don't give a damn.
I am the constant victim of both ageism & age discrimination in yugioh. Whenever I tell such morons "that tantamounts to abuse" get told "chill, it's only a game & one that a person of your age should definately not be playing" It is a vicious circle.
I also get abused at tournaments, but the judges do nothing, but tell me "what do you expect?"
The biggest "fallacy of Burification" is that CC decks win & original decks do not. It's just that CC decks are what gets mostly played at tournaments & basically, how can one win the lottery if they don't even have a ticket?
People call me "annoying" but I'm also another one of these "truth hurts" people & hence why I only have a few select friends & usually those who know what I'm really like deep-down, whether online or off. Many just won't or cant take that risk because they are scared to.
Yes, I have a moralistic attitude, but that is my undoing, as it seems that hardly anybody in this world/game couldn't give a stuff about respecting their fellow human/duelist anymore.
It's sad.