AdventureQuest RPG - Eliminates All Your Free Time

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I beat the Final Challenge a couple days ago. It turns out the way to beat the Fibbitiest Gibbest is by equipping Siege Tower Shield, Head of Raydius Dragon, Nightmare Plate, and Lumpy Skull Club. This puts your Ranged Defense at 75, so if you have decent Dexterity (mine is maxed out) your chance to block his stinger attack is pretty good.

I also discovered that even thought I'm a pure mage, having the Guardian Angel is still better than Poelala.

Oh, if any of you are having trouble with the Elite Zeel, don't use the weapons that the guides suggest. Use an Orc Cleaver if you're a Warrior and a Galaxy Wand if you're a Mage. Equip Warriror's Edge (even if you're not a Warrior) because that helps you block his Melee attacks. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need the Sackelberry Special in this battle. Nightmare Shield will suffice.

I also made it to level 93 and pulled up to eighth place. Woohoo!:woot
I love the game, but can almost never get on. The spots are almost always all filled up. I'm only level 20-something, though I should be like, five times that already with the time I waste trying to get on. It's so annoying. Anyone else out there have the same problem?
Anyone else out there have the same problem?
LOL, everyone who isn't a guardian has the same problem.

Open a window before you go to bed and try to log on. It will say the server is full. Go to sleep. At 3 in the morning Eastern, almost nobody is online. If you could find a way to cause the page to auto-update (not refresh) around that time, you would be logged in when you woke up.

Barring that, you could set your alarm clock. =/
After Christmas when I have some cash to spare, I'll upgrade, but until then, I'm determined to prove the freebie dudes can manage just fine. (Right now I'm getting ready to take on the bigger tasks in the game. Which means I'm playing the frogzard hunter [part 1 only] to stock up on free potions.)

Believe me, once I can get back on-line, I've got it all planned out. There's really no need to upgrade, but it does make things easier.

(Besides, my internet only works between 9 and 5)
You don't want to do Frogzard Quest 1 to get potions.

Go to Frogzard Quest part 3. After you kill the Skeeter and the Swamp Trog, you will talk to Goborah, who will take your Health Potion count up to ten. Then you can just cancel the next battle and you will still have all those potions.
I'll have to remember that, thanks. That'll save me a lot of time. If I ever get on. Last Count: 12029 people on line.

You know, since we're talking on-lin RPG's, have any of you ever played Eternal Lands?
Has anyone else noticed that the Nightmare Set was scheduled to go Rare 25 days ago, and it's still going to be at least another 10 days before it actually DOES go Rare?

Maybe it's just me, but 35 days behind schedule seems a little... =/
So who else here is having lots of fun farming for the new uber sets? =/

I got my Reign Plate yesterday morning. So far that's the only piece of either set I can afford. Oh, and I had to sell my Big 100k to get it, so I spent the last couple days farming Carnax to buy that back.

Man, getting the Nightmare Set made me REALLY despise that maze. Now I'm doing it all over again. I remember when going for the Mace, I did the Maze about 500 times in the span of roughly a week. I could actually do portions of it with my eyes closed.

It's really quite sad.
Yea, I'm getting tired of farming the maze myself, but it's easy and fast soooo...

One question about it though, does the amount of money increase the higher your level gets? Cause I was under lvl 50 and was getting 715exp, and 1080gp. Then I level up to 50 and it gives 1100exp and 1560gp. So I'm assuming its level based.

One more thing, the Blade of Awe. Is it worth getting? I've read stuff from other people saying the Guardian Blade is better, that true??? Next, question, how do you begin to get the BoA?
So I'm assuming its level based.
It is in that respect, but it won't increase beyond that point. At level 130, it will still give you 1560 gold.
I've read stuff from other people saying the Guardian Blade is better, that true???
That's their way of wasting bandwidth.

It's rather debatable whether the Guardian Blade or the Blade of Awe is better, but either way, you should ALWAYS get the Blade of Awe. This is because once you have the BoA, you can at any time go to the Guardian Tower and ask one of the guys there to let you temporarily borrow a Guardian Blade. In other words, if you get the BoA and then decide you want the GB, you can get it. You can flip-flop back and forth, actually.
Next, question, how do you begin to get the BoA?
Travel > Crossroads > Granemor > Haunted House

Just fight and fight there. After every six battles, you will have a one in three chance of getting a piece of the BoA.
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