Alternative Reviews: Card Advantage I

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Well, for the next few weeks, or forever, perhaps, I will be posting an article every week or so on how to do with your deck what every duelist wants to do (gain card advantage, stall indefinetely, mill your opponent, etc.) in a way entirely different from the standard methods. I will make the articles up as I go, so I may edit them several times for grammar errors, etc. Bear with me. Todays topic is:
Card Advantage I: Water Decks.
Oh, goody. Water advantage. Well, let's take a look at the cards involved...
Poison Draw Frog
Penguin Soldier
Torpedo Fish
Cannonball Spear Shellfish
Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness
Abyss Soldier
Ok, now a more in-depth look.
....1. Poison Draw Frog: Pretty straight forward. He dies, you draw. Consider including Light of Intervention if you make a deck like this, so you can summon him in defense position. Or, you might try Begone, Knave!, if you want to suicide him.
....2. Penguin Soldier: Not much to say, except, "Two for the price of one". Oh, and remember that Penguin Soldier can target himself, if you want to reuse his effect.
....3. Torpedo Fish: A one-for-one trade may not seem like advantage, but people use Exiled Force, don't they?
....4. Cannonball Spear Shellfish: Ditto.
....5. Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness: Alright, now it gets fun. Basically, you have a sturdy monster that can be summoned without tribute if A Legendary Ocean is in play, and gives you some very difficult to overcome field control. Nice. You gain excellent one-for-ones, which can be heavily abused by Salvage.
....6. Salvage: This is what pulls it all together. If you retrieve draw frogs, it's like a Pot of Greed. If you retrieve Orca ammo, well, you've got orca ammo. And do I even need to say what happens when you get Penguin Soldiers back?
....7. Abyss Soldier: Gives you an excellent *CONTROLLED* one-for-one trade, which becomes a two-for-one if you use Salvage. A very powerful card. The banning of Sinister Serpent hurt it, but not nearly as much as everyone seems to think.
Well, that's all for today. Think about the advantage, and let me know if I missed anything.
Interesting ideas. In my mind Orca is too little for too much, there are much better Water monsters as far as strength and attack go, the Fish (Cannonball & Torpedo) burn up your regular summons for the turn just so they can be tribbed for what you could otherwise do with non-cost effects. Even considering the possiblity of mixing in 3 Last Will to replenish you are still using up a lot of resources. Levia can flush the whole field and hit for more damage and is honestly less costly to use resource wise all around.

Salvage is a good support card for water decks, especially if you are using the typical water weenies with some Level Limit Area - B or Gravity Bind support (no I didn't forget you were going for something other than the standard but water weenies isn't anywhere near a dominent deck type so it should still count right?) :)

Penguin Soldier is often quite an annoyance for your opponent and is especially good in a water deck where you get the much added benefit of Salvage.

I'm a little fuzzy on how returning a card to my opponent's hand with Abyss Soldier and discarding one from my hand to the grave gives me a 1 for 1. Even with Salvage you aren't really breaking even. If you get really lucky and get to return Jinzo or another trib you at least get to burn through some of their hard won tributing but even with Sinister Serpent this was not much of a threat remover. Granted it could clear an obstacle for you so you could get the win that turn but that was all it was good for and without Sinister I'll be amazed (though certainly overjoyed if it is someone I'm dueling with) to see him see much if any tournament time (heck even at the kitchen table I can't think of many overly fun things for him to do).
Well... He IS mostly for bouncing tributes, so it is a one-for-one trade. Anyway, I'm glad at least someone finally replied. In a few days I'll have another one of these.

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