Any Thoughts on the next ban list?

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Well, after watching the coverage of the Nationals, and reading about them, and seeing the final two decks especially, I'm more convinced than ever that for the state of the American game, if nothing else, either the Monarchs need restricted, or more importantly, their support needs to go.

With the possibility of some Japanese promos heading our way as well (Light and Darkness Dragon comes to mind, it may not be a huge thing in a lot of Japanese decks, but it would be absolutely broken in our game, I feel), some real work needs to be done.

Snatch should go away, period.
Brain Control should go to 1 and,
Soul Exchange should go to 1, solely because of the overplayed Monarchs.

Treeborn Frog may even deserve a ban. I don't think D.D. Crow is an effective enough counter, with some of the looming threats of the future, but we'll see.
Well I don't care really about the monarch's. I've beaten them all the time. I think the cards that really need to get restricted or banned are cards that turn deck speed to high levels. Like destiny draw and rare value. Anything that deck thins and give card addvantage is where it's at. It's getting harder to really see where the cards are going. I allways hated snatch and allways had to run it cause of my opponants. I don't mind brain control and soul exchange doesn't even make me even flinch. Tobe honest I am really sick of the ban list. we have enough cards to stop any card, except for a few. I just hope they get it together and stop with banning stupid cards and put the deadliest cards where they need tobe until they make something to stop it.
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