Anyone been to the recent rash of mall tours?

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The Mall Tour has been making its way across the country again. Has anyone been to these? Are the similar to the previous ones, or are the as "extreme" as the news release says they are?
I went to the one here in Frisco, Texas and had fun beating one of the "duel masters" with a Chimeratech Dragon deck on the 4th turn. Not bad turnout and really designed around the kids. Lots of other things going on besides the Yugioh aspect.
HorusMaster said:
Not bad turnout and really designed around the kids. Lots of other things going on besides the Yugioh aspect.
Would you be willing to elaborate on that last comment? What else is there besides YGO?
If they hadn't scheduled the two Mall Tour stops here in Texas on the same days as local Regional events, I would have been one of the 'Duel Masters' at them
how do I find out if they are coming around to my area? My lil brother in law would probably enjoy that.
Could it be that some(one) will be showing up at the Newark Mall Tour this weekend? I'll be there for both days so it'll be an exciting weekend.

I too would like to know what goes on in the Tours.
I'm looking forward to showing up at 12:30 (Saturday only) in my blank pants and YGO branded clothing for a fun-filled afternoon of dueling delights!
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